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Smoker Cabinet Plans?

Started by Kummok, October 17, 2003, 09:06:00 AM

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Anyone have an organized table/cabinet setup for your Bradley and accessories that you're proud enough to share? I'm currently planning a smoker, dutch oven, smoke grill, and blackening grill table for the various types of "outdoor" cooking I do regularly. I'm not above copying or modifying or buying someone else's success. (If there are no members with experience on this, I'm also willing to share my "trailblazing" results with those interested, upon the project's completion.)

Initial plans include metal, (probably aluminum for it's light weight and fire resistance), wind screens, lid holders, accessory cabinets, fold back rain/snow cover, lighting, utensil drawer.....other ideas?  [8D]

Kummok @ Homer, AK USA


I'll need mine to be bear proof.


<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by Keiger</i>
<br />I'll need mine to be bear proof.
<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">
[;)]I know EXACTLY what you're saying!! Ours must be bear, eagle, and ermine proof. We are frequented by black bear who don't miss a trick. Our garbage cans are on the upper deck with no access from the ground. That's also where the planned smoker cabinet/dutch oven cooking table is going.....of course, AROUND the corner from the garbage cans....my cooking isn't THAT bad [:D]

Since the original post, I've decided against stainless steel for the whole cabinet/table...waaaay to expensive up here in Alaska. I've decided on a metal cooking top for the dutch ovens with the rest of the structure being wood. I'll be able to close everything up to protect it from the snow/rain/wind, but still be able to smoke in the closed configuration with windscreening for the dutch oven cooking. Winds on our deck can reach 50mph+, snow can stack up to 6' and the rain can come down so hard that there's 1/2 to 1" standing on the mild sloping deck.....but the VIEW of Kachemak Bay is worth it! [8D]

Kummok @ Homer, AK USA


Why not permanantly install it indoors with a smoke hood just like the kitchen stove.. I have mine installed in the utility room. temperarily ducted out throught the window with a bathroom exhaust fan. I works great and I plan to permanently install it with it's own base cabinet and smoke hood vented through the roof soon. I decided on this route after having a terrible time trying to get the temp up in the 175 range outside when it was below zero... not to mention my own motivation level...[:)]


I like the idea, but don't have the space to set up the smoker, BBQ grill, dutch oven, and blackening center on the inside of the house. I'm even including a fish/crab/shrimp processing SS sink/cutting table setup nearby.......these are all smells that I love but which I prefer to remain outside!!  Cleanup is also much easier outside. Right now, the plan is to have tiered decks off the front of the house that have separate levels and areas for cooking, cleaning/meat prep, eating/conversation/firepit, and observation "pods".

Kummok @ Homer, AK USA


No I guess moving all of that indoors would not really be practical... Sounds like a real nice plan for outdoor cookin/entertaining. Do you manage to use you BS year round in AK I would imagine it is much colder than it is down here in KS.


First time in 16 years I've spent all winter up here (and in all honesty, I'd rather winter in Mexico catching and smoking tuna!)......so far, I'm staying outta the cold until I get the deck setup completed (it'll be more sheltered from wind/snow)[^]

Believe it or not, I'd be willing to bet Kansas sees colder temps. Homer is actually the "banana belt" of Alaska. We rarely see below -10° F. Right now at 2039, it 20.9°F......definately smoker weather! My boat is currently under house arrest, being held captive by 6-10" of ice with a death grip on the trailer tires.....then there's the 50-60' of steep icy,snow covered driveway to face if I did decide to steam the ice away.....I'd never get the boat back in its parking space. Even our small boat harbor is iced over and has most of the smaller (&lt;30') boats stuck in place until it warms up. As soon as I can get back out in the Bay and pick up some fresh salmon, I'll be smoking again, probably March/April.........

Kummok @ Homer, AK USA


Well If you ask me Wichita is is the banana belt too... rarely (not sure if I have at all) have I seen a negative temp here, and it usually is only below freezing for a day or two at a time. We are in the middle of a "cold" spell it has been in the teens for a couple weeks. Having grown up in the panhandle of Idaho I do remember what cold is but am no longer accustomed to it.

It turns out that I will be moving to TX soon so even less cold weather... Maybe i will change my plans and install outdoors.. As I also do a lot of dutch oven cooking and grilling as well. Of course having the B.S. inside make the temp easier to regulate esp. for cold smoking cheese, one of my favorites. Well I better get to work I've got about 15 lbs of beef callin' my name. Says it wants to be summer sausage mmmmm.

Whne in doubt smoke it.


I just started the dutch oven cooking when I found an old Wagner lip rimmed lid w/ legs in my dad's collection of old "stuff". Took a local community college class where the final exam was partaking in a 6 dutch oven feast whipped up by the instructor, MOST EXCELLENT CLASS[:p]

.....do you have any favorite dutch oven websites[?]

Kummok @ Homer, AK USA


I recently had a slight computer issue which resulted in a complete wipe of my harddrive.... So my favorites disappeared. All I can reccomend are a couple of the books i get much use out of they are by C. W. Welch. The titles are Dutch Oven and Other Camp Cookin' they are with the money even if you don't use a single recipe they are a very humorous read. As good weather approaches I will be rebuilding my summertime favorites. If you would like i can forward you to them as i find them again.

Whne in doubt smoke it.