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Smoking 46 pounds pork butt in a brabley digital 4 rack *NEW to the forum*

Started by ragesmoker, June 13, 2014, 03:54:03 PM

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So I started smoking last night at 11 PM and its now 5:48 PM almost 19 hours
on butt is done (190 IT) and FTC.... the other 4 are around 170 going on 4 hours now
am I still good or do I need to do something
smoker temp 235
outside temp 75ish
(feeding 80-100 people tomorrow around 4 with wings and sides)
dose that sound like enough?
Thanks for any info and sorry if this is posted in the wrong spot


Welcome to the forums from South Dakota. Wow, you must be an ambitious sort! I would say just stay the course, continue to monitor IT of the remaining butts. I would give them a fork test to check for doneness rather that just relying on IT, I've had butts that were fork tender at 180. Stick a meat fork in and twist, if it turns easily it is ready to come off the smoker.
Where there's smoke, there's HAPPINESS!!!


Thanks for the fast reply
this is my fourth smoke in my bradley and have only done two butt at a time (12 hours)
I can tell by the probe that its not to the critical point yet and will check with a fork as soon as the 180 buzzer goes off
love to smoke food and finally get to do it for a large group
Not sure how to add pictures but will gladly do so when I found out

Also is there a rule of thumb or max time on FTC?

Saber 4

Welcome to the forum, TF has you pointed in the right direction, make sure you are moving your probes around to make sure you're not stuck in a fat pocket or close to the bone, both of which can give a false reading compared to the actual meat temp.


Quote from: ragesmoker on June 13, 2014, 04:30:08 PM
Not sure how to add pictures but will gladly do so when I found out

This link may help: How do I add pictures to my posts on the Bradley Smoker Forum?

The Reader's Digest version is that you create an account on a free host site, such as Photobucket.  After you upload your pics click on the "IMG" box next to the pic and the contents will automatically be copied to your clipboard.  Then just paste those contents into a message on here. 

If you're new to Photobucket it is a good idea to create different folders for different themes such as Food, Cars, Hobbies, etc.  It will make pics easier to find later and you won't have a huge collection of unrelated photos in your main folder.  BE SURE TO UPLOAD YOUR PICS TO THE CORRECT FOLDER.  :)



Nice I see it worked
will have more
just FTCed last one (23 hours later)

Gonna be a long night
Thanks for all the help


It looks like you did a great job! This should be a cook out your friends will be talking about for a long time.
I want to be a better carnivore!


Looks like you're doing well with your smoker.

One observation, on the face of your smoker where the door meets the front of the tower there appears to be quite a build up of "smoker crud".  I would suggest you clean that off before the door seal begins to stick to it and you accidentally tear the seal off of the door when you try to open it and have to replace the seal.  You can clean it with rubbing alcohol.  It appears to be a fairly significant amount of build up.  Do you have smoke leaking out from the top of the door?

It's not a major issue, just one you want to catch now rather than later.

Smoker John

Bradley Digital 4 Rack
Bradley BS712