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Wiring Grainger Finned heater to auber pid W/new bradley smoke generator

Started by The Deer Guy, September 08, 2014, 04:29:35 PM

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The Deer Guy

wow that's exactly what I was looking for like 5 days ago!! I wonder if they would let me swap?lol..  and would the wiring change due to the ability to control the smoke generator outlet? I am familiar with this programming because I own a dual probe for my Bradley, and I love it!! now im even more excited. :) :)

Mr Walleye


It would be worth asking him, he might just do some kind of trade. Shoot him an email it won't hurt to ask.

I emailed him to see if he had a manual for the new controller. He just has a draft copy but he did email it to me. I checked the cut out size required by the new controller. It's 90 x 45 mm. The 2352P that you have now is 45 x 45 mm. So if you have the room to make the hole wider you could easily do it. The depth of the new controller is slightly less than the 2352P so that wouldn't be a problem. No doubt there would be some wiring changes but I'm sure that would be doable.

If you want to shoot Suyi and email here's his address: [email protected]


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The Deer Guy

Well, I did talk to Suyi , and I had the new controller sent overnight! Being that I Had not used the new PID an exchange is no problem.
I am Super excited, I will just need to figure out the wiring. I used a plasma cutter today to cut the smoke generator hole and I am repurposing a stainless bbq door I found for a drip shield.

Mr Walleye

Quote from: The Deer Guy on October 31, 2014, 06:07:13 PM
Well, I did talk to Suyi , and I had the new controller sent overnight! Being that I Had not used the new PID an exchange is no problem.
I am Super excited, I will just need to figure out the wiring. I used a plasma cutter today to cut the smoke generator hole and I am repurposing a stainless bbq door I found for a drip shield.

Right on Jason!

We are going to need to see complete pictures of the completed smoker!  ;)

Let me know if you need help with the wiring and I'll read through the draft copy of the manual and see what I can figure out.


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The Deer Guy

Ok Mike ,
I received the sm-100 and I have wired it in but when I power up the display on sm-100 reads -h- on both input screens. I have three probes hooked up two for the cabinet and one meat probe,are my settings on the high limit control off? its powering up sm-100 but I cant input anything. also if I want to power the smoke generator with R1 do I still power the plug from the contactor and just run the neutral to lug 8 on smh-100? should my outy be 5 or 2? I guess im asking what should all my system config parameters look like Hy=3?

The Deer Guy

The Deer Guy

ok with outy as 5 I hold set and it turns on sm-100 so I need to adjust those setting maybe

The Deer Guy

not sure why I cant get the element to power I have set temps on main pid but when I hit set the screens go back to -H-

Mr Walleye

Hi Jason

How are you making out?

Yes, Outy=5 on the 2362. Then push and hold the set button for about 5 seconds to engage the contactor which should bring everything else to life.

I'll have to have a look at the settings on the SM-100 and see what I can come up with.


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The Deer Guy

Hey Mike,

the controller allows me to go through the steps and set everything up, but when I finish and come to the end step it reverts back to the -h- on both screens.. so I was thinking if its powered up but not reading any temp then maybe I have the probes wired backwards. but in reading the manual it says the program would run but the temp would decrease if the polarity was reversed. Sooo there must be something that's not allowing  the smd-100 to start its program. I keep reading the manual but I can't come up with anything..  Bummer----------  Open to all Ideas   Thanx---- Jason


email Suyi - when I had a problem like that on my dual, he knew the cause immediately. He may have a suggestion for you. My problem was a bad probe, but yours may be something different.
"It ain't worth missing someone from your past- there is a reason they didn't make it to your future."

"Life is tough, it is even tougher when you are stupid"

Don't curse the storm, learn to dance in the rain.

Mr Walleye


I agree with Gus. Shoot Suyi an email. I wouldn't be surprised if you get a response from him even on a Sunday. He checks his email pretty regular. The puzzling part is the "H". I though sensor as well. Do you have K type thermocouples or are they RTDs?

I'm sure you have already done it but you might want to check your connections on the sensors.

I'll be interested to know what Suyi has to say. Hopefully it's something simple.


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The Deer Guy

I did shoot him an email last night, I have k type thermocouples and I mounted box connections to plug and play different probes , the high limit probe works so I switched them, nothing different also these worked before the new install. the meat probe is direct wired to the Smd-100 but noting registering either.. :( :(

Mr Walleye

Quote from: The Deer Guy on November 02, 2014, 08:30:01 AM
I did shoot him an email last night, I have k type thermocouples and I mounted box connections to plug and play different probes , the high limit probe works so I switched them, nothing different also these worked before the new install. the meat probe is direct wired to the Smd-100 but noting registering either.. :( :(

That to me is saying there is either a setting wrong or there is a problem with the controller itself.

Hopefully Suyi will get back to fairly quickly. I'll have another read through the manual and see if I can see anything. Keep us posted what you find out.


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