Outside Temprature

Started by dragerman, January 14, 2015, 06:07:53 PM

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Hi all, just bought my Bradley the other day and was wondering about the temp outside, is -15C too cold to smoke fish or anything for that matter?


I use mine in those temps.  a few things to help- keep the smoker out of the wind, it sucks the heat out. preheat with both the element and the puck burner. use boiling water in the bowl. find a couple bricks to use as heat sinks, wrap them in tin foil set in bottom of smoker( I shaped mine to fit on either end of the bowl) some of the peeps on this forum preheat the bricks in their oven. and you should be good to go


Thanks for the reply, sounds like something I will try.


I think it will be a bit of a struggle at -15C. These units are definitely not designed to operate in those conditions. Kind of takes the fun out of it when you can't comfortably hang around it a bit and heat is lost rapidly when you open the door.

If you have a shed you could use it might take some of the pain out of the experience. Some guys have set up exhaust rigs and run them in their garage with the stack vent out a window or door. Last smoke I did I used a large cardboard box with a hole in the top to act as a second enclosure and wind guard.

Looking fwd to having time to build myself a proper outdoor station. Looking fwd to the warm days of spring and summer even more!
It's going to take a lifetime to smoke all this.


It should work, along with the tips listed above you can also wrap a space blanket around it, the foil one


IMPORTANT!!!!!-Keep top vent open all the way. Closing it down will build up moisture which is cooler.

Jim O

I smoke at those temps inside an unheated garage,vented outside a window.
Wind is your biggest enemy.& don't open the door to check progress too often.
- smoking
- motorcycling
- how do I find time to sleep !


Thanks for all the great info!!! Going to try a chicken after I season the smoker.