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Ideas for Smoke/Cooking Catfish

Started by ragweed, January 17, 2015, 02:21:16 PM

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I was just presented with three, 1 1/2 - 2 lb catfish by a friend of my step-daughters.  Skinned, gutted, no head.

I don't want to smoke like salmon, just cook in the smoker.  My first thought was dredge in Jan's then cook at ~200* F using alder.

Any ideas?


Hi Joe
Not sure about cooking them in the Bradley but I have brined them and smoked them with the skin on but  here's another way we fix them. I would finish filleting them, cut them into bite size pieces then dredge in some shore lunch seasoned with Jan's rub then deep fry, I call it popcorn catfish great on a bun for a Sammy or just straight out of the fryer. Good luck and if you use the smoker please let me know how it turns out. Thanks Tim


Thanks, Tim.  I love catfish nuggets, but I wanted to try them whole, in the OBS.  Like I do Arctic Char.  I think I'll try the Jan's and alder.  WLYK if they turn out great or just dog food.....Joe


since you mentioned char, do you have advice for what to do with the 20lb of filets in my freezer. I had thought of treating them like salmon using Kummocks method. Would that work with Arctic Char? Or is there a better alternative?


Yes, you can't go wrong treating Char like salmon.  Kummocks is great.  But I also like just rubbing the filet with OO then sprinkling on some garlic and lemon pepper, and smoke/cooking at 220* F for about 1 1/2 hrs with alder.

BTW, finally got around to cooking the catfish.  OO then a light coating of Jan's.  220* F with hickory for a little over an hour = fantastic