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Auber PID doesn't heat once smoke generator is off - second cycle not picked up.

Started by Alfiegerner, May 17, 2015, 09:36:04 PM

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Hi all,

New to the forum but have lurked some in order to end up with my current OBS and Auber PID setup.

I have an issue with the Auber, where once the first cycle is complete it doesn't switch correctly to the second or subsequent cycle. The temperature drops and holds to about 140f.

Does it have something to do with the smoke generator getting turned off for cycle 2?  If I switch to single step mode (LCK --> 3 Prg N) I get the same result.  Heating up only occurs when the smoke gen is firing.

I can still see the red light blinking on the main smoker unit so the PID appears to be still talking to it, just not picking up the second step.

Anybody seen anything similar?




Found the problem, user error :)

I'd accidentally set the P value to 88, resetting it to default fixed the issue.


Thanks for your follow up.  It'll help some of the rest of us troubleshoot  when we have a problem.