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Dual PID auto tune necessary after mod?

Started by ghosttown, December 23, 2015, 05:12:40 PM

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Quote from: mturcotte on June 30, 2017, 12:25:26 PM
Old thread here but I just updated my OBS with a 900w element and added a fan at the same time.

I ran the auto tune and my numbers are

I can't say if these settings are the best but I just smoked 12 pounds of salmon with those settings, it took at least 30% less time than with the standard element.

ghosttown, what did you end up doing with your parameters?
I kept everything default and only change the P value from 7 to 13. Been 2 years and no issues, I did contact the company and I provided them with all my results and we both agreeded the best setting is just changing the value Pto 13 as currently the PID is configured for a 500 watt element.

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