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no heat Bradley Origional

Started by Crush23, April 25, 2020, 06:32:03 PM

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Hello Bradley fans! I'm new to the group.

I bought my Bradley smoker over a year ago and finally ran into my first issue with it. It wasn't heating up. Upon further inspection my element was fried. So i went and changed it. Now I don't have heat from the new element. I plugged the main power into my smoker cabinet and the element heats up. I did notice that my heat light will come on if my little wire isn't connected to the cabinet, but when I plug it in it goes out.  Has anyone had this issue?

cathouse willy

Which model do you have? When you say "little wire" do you mean the short power cord? If the oven heats up when plugged directly into a wall socket there is no problem with the oven electrics. Check the fuse either on the back of or inside of the smoke generator.


Sorry it's the original. Yes the short power cord. I checked the in-line fuse in the smoke generator. Is there another fuse?

cathouse willy

Checking the fuse, did you use a meter or do a visual check? often a fuse will look okay but is electrically open. There is a fuse link in the back of the oven but if the element gets hot when plugged into the wall your trouble is not in the oven. Does the smoke gen work, heats up and cycles pucks? Try turning the heat control fully on/off a few times.


I metered the fuse. The puck burner works and moves pucks, found out the hard way when I got to close. Lol

Habanero Smoker

Hi Crush23;

Welcome to the forum. I think we all have burn scars from our Bradley's.  :)

When you stated "Upon further inspection my element was fried."; did you see physical damage to the element, or did you use your meter to measure the Ohms?

Since the generator functions alright except that the pilot light goes off when you connect the short cord to the cabinet, concerns me. Check the short cord for any damage, also use your meter to check the continuity of that cord.



I measured in ohms. Did the same on the little cord as well. Cord is fine. I also cleaned the connections of the cord. I phoned the temp sensor too, it has continuity.

One thing I did notice, my circuit box inside the puck feeder was blinking. It wasn't a steady blink. It was blink, fast double blink, blink, blink. Not sure if this is a error code or not. I'll phone the service center on Monday.

Habanero Smoker

Let us know what Bradley says about the problem. It will help others in the future.



So no idea if this will help. I am having a similar issue so I put my meter across the 115 and rtn with reostat turned full ccw and it read 57vac cranked to full cw and still read 57 ac. And my heater was not getting red.  I opened up the controller and didn't see any issue. Closed it up and rechecked and at full ccw around 55 vac. At full cw around 115 vac. No idea why. Also the light on the reostat didn't come on when had the low voltage. 

One thing I did also when no heat was open the controller to check fuse and my fuse holder had become lose.  Not open but enough that wasn't making contact. But using a meter across fuse wouldn't catch that issue.