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manxman Right To Shoot First State

Started by Oldman, September 06, 2006, 05:23:17 PM

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QuoteThere you go Manx,
I bet you thought we were just a bunch of beer swilling ex-colonists sitting around watching Bisquettes go up in smoke   

Haha TomG..... ex-colonists no, beer swilling maybe, watching bisquettes going up in smoke definately!! ;D ;D

Having said that there are more people of Manx ancestory now living in the US (and Australia) than living here on this rock stuck in the middle of the Irish Sea....... remember Dan Quayle!   ::)

Certainly makes interesting reading, the press over here tend to, or tended to portray the US as a gun toting shoot first ask questions later society with the OK Coral on every street corner! :-[

I say tended to as that opinion certainly appears to be changing, I think the US is ahead of us in reclaiming the streets for the decent people but obviously has a way to go yet.

Certainly in the three times I have been to the US since 1996 I have never felt intimidated, threatened or worried in any way, that is not always the case in London or Manchester. Having said that I have never been to a major US city as yet so it may be different than the bits I have seen, mainly tourist areas?


QuoteHaving said that I have never been to a major US city as yet so it may be different than the bits I have seen, mainly tourist areas?
All places in the world have bads spots.

Click On The Portal To Be Transported To Our Time Tested And Proven Recipes~~!!! 


All places in the world have bads spots.

Hey, Anchorage is a good place. Okay so we have hookers in the Spenard district, well alright Down Town we have more alcoholics than the rest of the country, and I have to admit to the drug dealers in the Mountain View area, opps lets not forget the gangs on the east side either. Okay, okay we have the higest rape rate in the villages in the country. Dang!!! I guess all places do have bad spots.
I think I'll just go home now and support my habit. Smoking that is. With a Bradley that is. While consuming cold ones that is. I'll be quite now. ;D :D ;)


QuoteAll places in the world have bads spots.

Very true.


Quote from: coyote on September 07, 2006, 09:21:44 PM
          Remember:He who waits last to shoot will be to busy wiping his own
              blood to ever squeeze the trigger.

Quote from: manxman on September 08, 2006, 09:00:48 AM
[Certainly makes interesting reading, the press over here tend to, or tended to portray the US as a gun toting shoot first ask questions later society with the OK Coral on every street corner! :-[

I Wonder how they got that impression? :o



"Men like to barbecue, men will cook if danger is involved"




Five years ago , this comming Monday , even the gun control folks were trying
to remember where they hid Grandpa's old gun....Go Figure.


Quote from: coyote on September 09, 2006, 10:14:21 AM
Five years ago , this comming Monday , even the gun control folks were trying
to remember where they hid Grandpa's old gun....Go Figure.

Or those Riots....

Click On The Portal To Be Transported To Our Time Tested And Proven Recipes~~!!! 


Quote from: iceman on September 08, 2006, 10:20:56 AM
All places in the world have bads spots.

Hey, Anchorage is a good place. Okay so we have hookers in the Spenard district, well alright Down Town we have more alcoholics than the rest of the country, .......

HEY! Easy on Spenard, Iceman.....if it wasn't for my time at Spenard Fire Station 5 ("Fightin' Five") and responses to Station 1 ("Downtown"), I wouldn't have HALF the good fire/rescue stories to tell!  :o   ONE year @ 5s was equal to 20 years at Rabbit Creek!  ;)

Interesting thread you started Manx....I've been a "carrier" for at least 40 years, several of those years as a peace officer and, (thank God!), I've never had to unholster on anyone. Still carrying and pray that I finish out that way!


Quote from: Kummok on September 09, 2006, 07:07:49 PM
Interesting thread you started Manx....I've been a "carrier" for at least 40 years, several of those years as a peace officer and, (thank God!), I've never had to unholster on anyone. Still carrying and pray that I finish out that way!

Amen Kummok, I too "carry"

When I'm in brown bear country:

Unless of course, those bears are in Canada, in which case I carry:

And when I'm on the "mean streets" of SF and remember to put it in my pocket, I carry:

The only time I've had to unholster it, was to kick up the flavor of an under spiced Chinese dish in a cheap restaurant.

Don't take your guns to town ;D ;D ;D


On a stop watch, I wonder what the time difference between killing in self defense
and being killed is ?

                       Some people are offended by guns...Would being pushed over a
     twenty story balcony or in front of a train or hit in the head with a hammer
     make this a kinder gentler nation ? I don't know. I guess it depends on where
    you live and who you ask.


Quote from: Kummok on September 09, 2006, 07:07:49 PM
Quote from: iceman on September 08, 2006, 10:20:56 AM
All places in the world have bads spots.

HEY! Easy on Spenard, Iceman.....if it wasn't for my time at Spenard Fire Station 5 ("Fightin' Five") and responses to Station 1 ("Downtown"), I wouldn't have HALF the good fire/rescue stories to tell!  :o   ONE year @ 5s was equal to 20 years at Rabbit Creek!  ;)
I used to live off McKinley street in Spenard. Just a stones throw from your station. How long were you at 5 Kummok?


Quote from: iceman on September 11, 2006, 08:50:54 AM
I used to live off McKinley street in Spenard. Just a stones throw from your station. How long were you at 5 Kummok?

A couple years in the early 80s....loved the crew and the location! One of the several jobs I've had that I really looked forward to going to work! 8)  Veeeeery interesting to see what goes on behind closed doors in Spenard.....makes one re-evaluate the "human" part of humanity?!?!?!?  :o


Quote from: manxman on September 08, 2006, 09:00:48 AM
Having said that there are more people of Manx ancestory now living in the US (and Australia) than living here on this rock stuck in the middle of the Irish Sea...

Count me as one of 'em!  I learned just a couple of years ago that my earliest American ancestor was born in 1759 to parents from the Isle.  We'd previously assumed, having the family name of Luna, that we originated in Spain way back when.  That changed when an uncle undertook tracing the family's geneology.  It turns out that a later ancestor changed it from Looney to differentiate himself from so many others in his locale who had the same name.

I'm also a proponent and practitioner of responsible, lawful concealed carry.  Contrary to some people's understandable concerns, CCWers seem to be statistically safer and more law-abiding than the general population.

Iceman...The Wife® and I lived on the "good side" of Mountain View for some time, saving to buy our current house out in Peters Creek.  While it was generally quiet where we were, life is much nicer out here.
Peters Creek, Alaska