Can't get to temperature - new and need help

Started by PepperJax, September 22, 2006, 05:29:14 AM

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And A.P. smokes in motels Patel where the mains are 50 amps for 22 units.  It's the only way you can smell curry, watch cable TV and appreciate the subtle harmony of over used ice machines in an air conditioned room for $25 a night? ;D ;D ;D

West Coast Kansan

TomG, I thought the issue on extension cords was related to condition, length, gauge, combined with the wide variation in homes people who buy electric smokers may live in...causing heat in circuits. I dont see many 60 amp houses anymore but still a lot of 100 amp homes (usually the prewar 60s that got upgraded to 100s just after the war). These houses were never designed for electric clothes dryers or many other "modern appliances". The concern would be the 5 amps the bradly draws over a long period of time on a shared household circuit (expanded to accomadate modern appliances, double and tripple lugged like crazy in the breaker panel). This lousy wiring (That I see a lot even in newer homes with 200 amp service) gets complicated by a cheap 100ft long extension cord that has corroded connections.  owrstrich (AP) uses a short fat one for this reason right- or am I trying to figure it out and just making this stuff up?

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NOW THAT'S A SMOKED OYSTER (and some scallops)


I know this might sound kind of off the wall but I always equated extension cords to a garden hose. :D
Okay, now that you stopped laughing let me explain this kitchen type of logic. ;D
Electricity = Water Pressure
Amps = Water Flow
Wire Size = Hose Size
The bigger the hose / wire, the more flow / amps you can pass through it.
Drop the hose size / wire size, and flow / amperage becomes restricted thus causing friction / heat (less juice).
Maybe I'm way off base but it seems to work for me.
I think this is a case were bigger usually is better.
Just my 2.2309 cents, Besides everyone needs a good laugh once in a while. ;D



Very good analogy. I would add: voltage = water pressure



Quote from: Arcs_n_Sparks on September 25, 2006, 12:53:43 PM

Very good 0ogy. I would add: voltage = water pressure

Opps, Thanks Arcs


WCK and Iceman you won't get an argument from me.  I never got past the Oooommmmm! in Ohm's Law.

Two things I do know:

1)Owrstich isn't the Forum's only agent provocateur. ;)

Quote from: bubbagump on September 22, 2006, 07:24:52 PM
When the Bradley calls for full juice, it is still only a meager 4 amps.. A hair dryer will draw 3 times that amount. Your 15 amp. cord is more than adequate for your smoker.. 

And of course;

2) If it has anything to do with energy failure, it's Bush's fault.
