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Maverick Smoke Thermometer

Started by Louisiana BBQ, August 17, 2004, 01:08:06 AM

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Habanero Smoker

I just learned something about setting the smoking min/max temperatures on the ET-73. When you turn the receiver off, it defaults to 176 degree for both the min/max temperatures. When you turn on the device and attempt to adjust the minimum temperature first, it will not go any higher then 176. If you adjust the maximum temperature, then the minimum, it will let you adjust the minimum temperature up to about 8 degrees lowwer than the maximum temperature you have set. So it you want to smoke at 220, you will be able to set the minimum temperature to as high as 212.



I just used my ET73 for the first time yesterday.  I did two 8lb butts for buckboard bacon.  I set the min. at 190 and the max at 205 because I wanted to smoke at 200.  I set the food alarm at 140.  All alarms went off at one time or another, allowing me to make slight adjustments.  Worked perfectly.  I put the probes through the top vent.


Good job - it sounds like everything went well.  Remeber to keep putting new batteries in, especially if you do a couple of long smokes, or are worried about the alarms going off properly while you sleep for an overnight smoke.[:D]


I'm looking at purchasing a Maverick and would like the 2 probe model.  Does the ET-73 fulfill this requirement or do I need to go w/ the ET-7?  I can't tell from their website: http://www.maverickhousewares.com/thermometers/remote_therm.htm
because the ET-7 obviously has the 2 prongs as pictured, but you can't tell in the ET-73 pic.  The confusing thing is that for the ET-73, it says "Monitor internal temperature of smoked meats", and also says "Monitor smoking chamber temperature".


psdubl07  wrote:<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote">I'm looking at purchasing a Maverick and would like the 2 probe model. Does the ET-73 fulfill this requirement or do I need to go w/ the ET-7? I can't tell from their website: http://www.maverickhousewares.com/thermometers/remote_therm.htm
because the ET-7 obviously has the 2 prongs as pictured, but you can't tell in the ET-73 pic. The confusing thing is that for the ET-73, it says "Monitor internal temperature of smoked meats", and also says "Monitor smoking chamber temperature".<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

One of the probes gets stuck into the thickest part of the meat, the other clips or lays on one of the shelves to measure the internal temp of the smoking chamber.  ET73 is the one to get.

There is room on earth for all God's creatures....right on my plate next to the mashed potatoes.

Habanero Smoker

You need the ET-73.

I'm glad you posted this message. I've been trying to find Maverick's website. I have the ET-73 and it worked fine until the meat probe malfunctioned. It began reporting a temperature of 285 degrees, even though the cabinet temperature never got above 211 degrees. And now every time I power up the Maverick the internal temperature fluxuates between 265-274. It's not a battery problem.



OK, looks like the ET-73 it is!

Here's the best deal I can find anywhere.  If anyone knows where they are cheaper, let me know.
Then click on Maverick ET-73 under Related Items at the bottom of the page.

Habanero Smoker

I got my from The Gadget Source, for $39.99 plus $4.99 for shipping.




Thanks Hab.  It was a bit cheaper on the other one w/ the coupon code, but shipping was less w/ Gadget Source, so I ordered one from there too! [8D]

Habanero Smoker

Just an update on the problem I had with the ET-73. Yesterday, I sent Maverick an e-mail about the problem, provided the date of purchase (9/04/04) and the vendor (The Gadget Source) I bought it from in my e-mail, and they are sending me a new probe today free of charge.



<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by Chez Bubba</i>
<br />HSG,

Sounds to me like you might want to replace the batteries. I was ready to throw mine away until that genius revelation occurred to me.[B)]

Ya think next time I check into a hotel & they ask "Smoking or Non?" they would mind?
<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">


<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by nsxbill</i>
<br />Dwayne

Here is the link to a good place to pick up the Maverick.  They ship quickly and the price is righthttp://www.thegadgetsource.com/011502013733.html

You can't go 100 ft away unless you are line of sight.  The items allows you to monitor your smoker temp and meat temp too.

Highly recommended

<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">
            Hi Bill,
    I just bought the Maverick for my new homemade smoker. I'm still toying with a burner idea, I like propane because it's faster heating up my stainless steel box. I'll keep ya informed and show pics when it's all done. Happy smoking.............Ernie


I am very interested in getting the maverick et-73 or et-7 ( I think they are the same?)but I can't find one here in Victoria and I can't seem to find an outfit in the States that carries them that will  ship to Canada. Any Canucks on the board know of a place that is willing to do business?

Habanero Smoker

The ET-73 and the ET-7 are not the same. The ET-73 is exclusively made to measures the cabinet and meat temperatures. The ET-7 had two probes for measuring two different meat temperatures, though you could probably use one of the probes to measure the cabinet temperature.

Polder now has a dual sensing probe that will monitor the meat and cabinet temperature. It sells for about $25.00 (American). You can get it from Amazon.com http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B00006NWAD/qid=1102152237/sr=1-3/ref=sr_1_3/002-7683461-1400803?v=glance&s=kitchen . The customer reviews are not good, but often the most people that give reviews are those that have something to complain about, or those who are overly impress. Usually the average satisfied customer, won't take the time to express their opion.

I just noticed they are out of stock, and not expected in before December 24, 2005.



Thanks for clearing up my confusion between the ET-73 and ET-7, Habanero Smoker. Sounds like the ET-73 is the one I want. I'm not really interested in the Polder--too many bad reviews. Maybe Whitetailfan or one of the other Canucks will chime in here and let me know if they found a Canadian source, or an American source willing to ship to Canada for the Maverick.