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newbie's first smoke

Started by sgaberdeen, December 29, 2006, 12:33:28 PM

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West Coast Kansan

Quote from: Infalable on January 01, 2007, 09:26:29 PM
A lot of threads talk about temp control, but what is the real concern for not having the accurate temp or maybe temp swings. Does it really matter if ribs, for example, cook at 195 or 210?
Good question if the temp swings 195 to 210 with a mean of about 202 it seems to me that is perfect. + / - 7 over the hours to cook a tower full of ribs. BUT if the tower temp is really 220 + / - 7 that is a bit hot IMO to start ribs. results will not be as good.

After the above, my interest in temp begins to reduce pretty fast except for two things:
1) When I started with the Bradley temp was my biggest learning curve because we dont have nothing for power to cover mistakes, got the heat of a half dozen light bulbs and that is it, can't stir coals, add more chucks, add dry chunks, etc. Gotta be able to predict what is going to happen based on meat, weight, ambiant weather all that and use FTC for protection.

Electric smokers beyond the reality of being very easy to use and as close to set and forget as smoking meat can be . . .  I have found are not for the timid when it comes to seeking perfection. 

2) it is a lot of fun to gin up a smoker with perfect temp control, i.e. PIDS, circulation fans, vent adjustments all that stuff...(people have not even started talking about humidity controls to provide servo control feedback by adjusting air flow through the units) harrrhhhh , harrrhhhh, etc.

3) Gotta have something to bitch about right?

Again, real good question, wish it was in a new thread, bet it would capture a lot of good comments from people who have been electric a lot longer than I have...

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NOW THAT'S A SMOKED OYSTER (and some scallops)


WCK has it pretty much nailed.  The only real issue (again in MHO) with temp swings is consistency and repeatability.  If the swing in temp is great, the time to reach the same internal temperature would vary making specific timings more difficult.  But a few extra beers and some good foil, towel and cooler will still give you plenty of buffer. 
It is fun to complain.  Is it really complaining if no one is listening?
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Yes, we don't get mail very often, about once a week is the best we can do.  Often its longer than that and since we are not often at the same place more than a month or so, I have to be careful about ordering and where I have stuff sent. Most of it comes to our mail forwarding service in Texas, but sometimes, I get stuff shipped directly to us.
The Gander Mtn store in Houston only had cherry and apple bisqettes, so I ordered several boxes of other types from Amazon.com.  Some have shipped, others say early Feb for delivery. If I run across a store with them on the shelf, I'll buy some more.
I seasoned the OBS today and it went well. It took me a while to figure out that the smoker only heats up on the end of the tray. DUH.  After I figure that out (I know, read the directions) everything worked fine.  The OBS is now bundled up in the back of my truck awaiting our next move when we will attempt to smoke some food.  Its going to rain here for the next two days, so no outdoor cooking until the weather clears or we move.
I ate some turkey that Marksbrew smoked in an OBS a few days ago.  That prompted us to go buy our own.  Great bird and it looks like this might be a lot of fun too.
Thanks for all the advice folks.

John KE4D


(I know, read the directions)

All women know that most men do not read directions except as a last resort.  I am a part time RV'er and my wife navigates when we are on the road because I do not read directions either. :D
Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth.

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