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Maverick ET-73 Mod

Started by LilSmoker, January 30, 2007, 01:44:49 AM

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Hi Mike, yeah you're right somebody did mention the transmitter, but as you say no more was said, i suppose you could try just soldering to the 1 terminal, you know the one with the hole in, but not sure if that would do the trick?
That actual terminal is linked to the one right next to it by the looks of my circuit board, so i suppose in theory it's really 2 terminals that we've soldered and not 3?

I was thinking maybe to find out if the stucco wire is causing the problem, you could take your ET-73 to a friend or relatives house, and if you get a good signal through a few walls, that would probably indicate that it's the stucco?

I hate it when things don't work properly  ::) ;D ;)
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I did it, I just snugly put the wire in the hole, no solder.  It seems to through several walls,  but the real test will be if it keeps signal all night on bed stand, as I'm doing a brisket overnight.  I think and hope this is going to be great.  THe wife will like it that I'll hear it go off, so she won't have to listen to it for a while than wake me to go out to the kitchen to shut it off, and do my stuff.  Will report back in the morning.


Quote from: nodak on February 16, 2007, 08:50:25 PM
I did it, I just snugly put the wire in the hole, no solder.  It seems to through several walls,  but the real test will be if it keeps signal all night on bed stand, as I'm doing a brisket overnight.  I think and hope this is going to be great.  THe wife will like it that I'll hear it go off, so she won't have to listen to it for a while than wake me to go out to the kitchen to shut it off, and do my stuff.  Will report back in the morning.

Hey that's great news mate!, i'm sure it'll be ok now, as long as the wire stays put, it's unbeleivable when this mod works, just how much difference it actually makes. The thing i still can't work out is that you've used the 1 terminal or 2 really as they look linked, and i had to use the extra terminal to get the right result?

Anyway i'm glad it works  ;)
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Not perfect, but better.  Wasn't always updating in my bedroom, although this is asking a lot.  bedroom is on oppisite side of house and garage is on other and smoker outside that.  But in kitchen did not lose signal, and ussually after several hours I would.  Over all satisfied, perfect no, but than again not everything can be like me! ;)

Habanero Smoker

I want to thank LilSmoker for providing this modification to the forum members, and also allowing us to host it on the recipe site.

This modification can now be viewed at this link.

Maverick ET-73 Modification


Thunder Struck

Thanks for the advice.

I used this advice on the ET-72 I owned already that I was having range issues with.

There was already an antenna soldered on but, it was wrap around the body inside and the range was aweful. I took the antenna and made it exit out the side.

Like magic,.... it works much better now.


I know I am resurrecting an old post here, but I have to say that I got my ET-73 today and fired it up and did a range test and was not impressed.  I took 10 minutes and did the mod that is described here in this thread by soldering across all the terminals.  The improvement was dramatic to say the least.  I placed the transmitter in my garden shed and had solid reception throughout the house including the basement.  Anyone with an ET-73 should seriously consider this modification!  Thx a lot guys for another great tip.
My meat goes from field to table by my own hands.


I did this last night, took 10 minutes. Works alot better now. Used a piece of speaker wire I had laying around, tinned the end and soldered across the 2 left spots not the hole. If you look at the board the 1/2 circle top right is the antenna so the hole is not even connected to it but the pad on the left is. Cut a hole in the top and ran the wire straight up and put a little caulk around the hole.


I also have a question about the ET-73. if I want to confirm the acuracy of the smoker prod, do I do the boiling water test. the manual says not to emerse the probe in water..


Mike has answered my question! Thanks again Mike!