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Your Favorite Chili Recipe

Started by nsxbill, August 28, 2004, 11:15:53 PM

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Cold Smoke

Maple Leaf has a large meat processing plant in our city. They make everything from bologna, salami, summer sausage and those hot dogs you speak of. The last package of wieners/hot dogs I bought had under the ingredients section -"mechanically deboned meat or meat products". I have a feeling that that does NOT include any tender morsels such as tenderloin...I would bet my last dollar that they are made up of ears and arses though.

I try not to think of what a pig actually eats when I suck back a hot dog (Down, Kirk...). Still WAYYYY better than eggplant/tofu in my book.

Cold Smoke


Same here on the blood thing, I can see myself running from that.  About what hogs eat; I accually worked on a hog farm for a couple of summers.  It's not what the eat, it's what they roll in that will make heave your lunch.  They accually ate pretty good, these hogs ate 100% ground milo.  The nursing sows were the only ones that got something different.  When cleaning the watering cans the only thing that would get the smell off your hands was tooth paste.  Neither cologn, name your soap or what ever you might dream up could not get THAT smell off your hands.  Well at least I eat them now instead of cleaning up after them.  My word where has this post taken us from good chile recipes to hog slop, hope there is no corilation.  I will move on.


Perryville, Arkansas

If a man says he knows anything at all, he knows nothing what he aught to know.  But...


Perryville, Arkansas

It's not how much you smoke but how many friends you make while doing it...


I think the only thing worse than blood sausage I've heard of is Blood and Tongue Loaf.  This is a lunch meat with chunks of tongue chilled in a loaf.  Congealed blood holds the chunks of tongue together.  When it is sliced into lunch meat, you get cross sections of tongue meat held together by blood gel.  Yum! (sarcastic)

Smokin Joe

Is it just me, or is it weird how we moved from chili to tongues and blood...

Smokin' Joe Johnson
Caroline's Rub - Fine Spice Creations
Joe Johnson
Founding Partner
Caroline's Rub - Dry Rubs, Smoked Salt, and Texas Chili Seasoning

Be sure to sign up for our Smoke and Spice Newsletter!


<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"> think the only thing worse than blood sausage I've heard of is Blood and Tongue Loaf<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

Nope that is not the worse thing to eat. My GrandMother, from Poland, use to make Duck-Blood-Soup.  As a kid I watch her slit the ducks necks and drain the blood~~! The next worse thing I saw being eaten was LIVE monkey brains. I could go on~~~~ like the time I saw a live cat dropped into a "deep fat fryer" and then pulled out and skinned while it was still alive. IMO we as the Master Race do a lot cruel things, and have no respect for other life forms.

In the wild if you watch pigs you will see they never lay in mud where they have chit. In fact a wild hog is a really clean animal.

As I've aged I now often reflect as to why in the name of God's Green Earth we were ever put in charge.

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Now that I've go the above posting off of my mind let me share this with you all about Chili...or for that manner anything you want to cook.

Years back when I was cooking for a living, I got into a few contest. If you and I where to make the same item, follow the same steps, use the same ingredients, if mine where from my own organically grown garden and yours were "fresh" store items purchased I would blow you out of the contest.

Don't take my word for it. Just try a broad leaf parsley. Grow some organically. Pick it and chew it. It will explode with such flavor that you might just spit it out as it is too favorfull. You want to make the best chili then grow organically your own items. Freeze what you don't need at the moment. Don't dry them.

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<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by DoW-Oldman</i>
<br /><blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"> think the only thing worse than blood sausage I've heard of is Blood and Tongue Loaf<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

Nope that is not the worse thing to eat. My GrandMother, from Poland, use to make Duck-Blood-Soup.  As a kid I watch her slit the ducks necks and drain the blood~~! The next worse thing I saw being eaten was LIVE monkey brains. I could go on~~~~ like the time I saw a live cat dropped into a "deep fat fryer" and then pulled out and skinned while it was still alive. IMO we as the Master Race do a lot cruel things, and have no respect for other

In the wild if you watch pigs you will see they never lay in mud where they have chit. In fact a wild hog is a really clean animal.

As I've aged I now often reflect as to why in the name of God's Green Earth we were ever put in charge.
<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">


My grandfater used to buy us kids ducklings for Easter and we would raise them. You guessed it "Sharnena" They turned into Ducks Blood soap with apples prunes cider vinger etc. I was gross. They also made that crap with beets that would firment for a week an turn into "borscht". Eating a pet and that beet crap is the worst anyone could have to eat.



<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote">I could go on~~~~ like the time I saw a live cat dropped into a "deep fat fryer" and then pulled out and skinned while it was still alive.<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">
 Which just goes to prove that there is yet one more way to skin a cat.
 Dow, remind me not to go on vacation where you do.  Sounds like some strange things on the menu!


<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote">Dow, remind me not to go on vacation where you do. Sounds like some strange things on the menu!<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

Sorry in 1969-1970 I was at times running for my life. It was a village I saw this happen in...  Lord of Light, may I never see anything like it again.  It was then as a young man I came to see that some people will do anything to eat. It was then I came to a truth that we are not keepers, but rather value ourselves above all else.

It is one thing to kill a man when you have to kill.  It is another to live a live (support) your life on the pain of lessor beings.

At times I wish I could place my head in a toilet and flush it until the chit came out of my memory.. Sorry guys did not mean to get off on to this topic.  There are just some statments that make me remember what I wish I could wash from my mind.... Never to have seen....  

Until you have seen a man eat another man's liver when that person was still alive...eat that person's liver in front of him you have never seen some of real evil of mankind....This is my last posting this thread. Too many bad memories, too many uglies... Grow Pineapples...Live long and be healthy.

Look after your family.

Click On The Portal To Be Transported To Our Time Tested And Proven Recipes~~!!! 


There are many things in our lives that have to be put away.  They are those things that which are unmentionable and seen as absolutely the things that men and women do when they are at their worst.  I was drafted in 1965.  The Army saw fit to make me a Light Weapons Infantryman.   Here and there and after 3 years "across the pond," I became a Drill Sergeant, and did it for 7 years.  Ultimately I ended up in the Reserves, and tired of teaching people to kill others, exercised my option to join a medical unit.  I was a Master Sergeant, and the NCOIC at Letterman.  After 15 years of enlisted service, I became a 1st Lt., an R.N., having obtained my degree along the way.  Kept it quiet.  I retired in 1986.  The past is a blur, and I like it that way.

Things happen in life that make you think about the past.  

When the Berlin Wall fell in the late 80's, I rejoiced, as I did when there appeared to be a chance of peace in the middle east in our recent past..  

After 9-11, it took me about two days of internal turmoil to actually really feel those terrible memories return.  I found myself sitting quietly at work with tears, and I had to seek out someone to express my rage, my desire to choke  someone, to kill those who again made me delve into those dark memories..to worry that again the world would be at war.

Time has healed me, and talking with trusted friends has helped.  My commander, a Colonel in the Army Nurse Corps, did three tours in a field hospital.  She was an inspiration to me.  Lived one of those don't ask don't tell lifestyles, she had cojones the size of watermelons.  Helped me get through some difficult time!

I think is healthy to talk about smoking meat, and everyone has baggage.  Sometimes things happen that makes those memories return.  I like talking about pineapples and smoking food.  I am sorry that this thread has made you remember some of the things that have to be put away into that box again.  So, I propose we get back on track!

How about it, this thread has bounced all over the place...doesn't anyone have chilli recipes that I can integrate my frozen smoked butt into to give it some Bradley magic?


There is room on earth for all God's creatures....right on my plate next to the mashed potatoes.

Cold Smoke

I really feel liked I've lived in a fishbowl all my life after reading some of your stories. I'm amazed some of you have not gone the vegetarian route after all that.

Pork butts and pineapples....these are good thoughts. And chili.

Cold Smoke


Thanks Olds and Bill, I understand more then you know.  Life is so short and precious.

I would <b><font color="red"><u>LOVE</u></font id="red"></b> to hear about some recipes they have at those chili cook offs.  The Texas Red type where they make it out of Tri-Tip and the green, if its got chiles in it, I'm for it.


Perryville, Arkansas

If a man says he knows anything at all, he knows nothing what he aught to know.  But...


Perryville, Arkansas

It's not how much you smoke but how many friends you make while doing it...


Thats a good idea with tri-tip that I hadn't thought of.  Use the leftovers in chili(with some chorizo).  Sounds like another cold smoke is in order for a tri-tip roast.  When I cold smoked the porterhouse steaks the smoke flavor was much more pronounced the next day so cold smoke one day cook the next day and chili the third day with the leftovers. Thanks for the idea.[:D]

Some say BBQ is in your blood, if thats true my blood must be BBQ sauce.
Some people say BBQ is in the blood, if thats true my blood must be BBQ sauce.



I saw the Tri-tip thing on the Food Network(where else).  They were showing (it seems) a big time chili cook off in Reno.  <u>Every</u> contestant used Tri-Tip, cut that stuff in little 1/4 inch cubes.  What interested me the most was the Green Chili cook off the day before, man that stuff looked gooood.


Perryville, Arkansas

If a man says he knows anything at all, he knows nothing what he aught to know.  But...


Perryville, Arkansas

It's not how much you smoke but how many friends you make while doing it...

Chez Bubba

Raye & Bill,

I salute you for serving our country. Contrary to what the media wants you to believe, most of us civvies really do appreciate the people who lay it on the line for our nation.

Last year we were in San Antonio staying on the riverwalk right above the departure point for the tour boats. Apparently, all the fly-boys had weekend furlough for parent's day or something because the city was loaded with them. I chose to say my own little thank you by anonomously paying for the next 40 servicemen's rides.

When we were in Anchorage this year, the Blue Angels happened to be in town for an airshow & stayed at our hotel. Free food & drinks on me to the five lucky guys that happened to be in the restaurant when we were.

Just my way of saying thanks, I think they all truly appreciated it and I hope more Americans let them know. We sat on the balcony of our room in San Antonio & watched their faces when they were told that their ride was gratis. Worth every penny![8D]

Now, back onto subject that I derailed AGAIN. One of the best batches of chili I ever made was from the worst ribs I ever made. I decided to try & impress the then-future Mrs. Bubba by smokin' up a batch of spicy babybacks.

I coated, no make that caked, them with Rudy's Rub & let them sit overnight. Smoked them up the next day to perfection, the meat would stay on the bone until you bit it, then fall right off.

I took my first bite after she had a couple and asked her what she thought. "They're very good." she said. "Bull****", I said, "they're way too hot", and I like it HOT. She then conceded & we ordered a pizza. Somehow, she still ended up marrying me.

I couldn't throw them away so I peeled the meat off the bones & threw it in the freezer. Later that year when it got colder, I decided to make a batch of chili. Veggies, beans (ya, I'm a Northerner), tomatoes & the ribs.

Four gallons of chili & the only spices were the ribs! Still spicy enough that a dollop of sour cream felt just right.[:)]

Ya think next time I check into a hotel & they ask "Smoking or Non?" they would mind?
Ya think if next time I check into a hotel & they ask "Smoking or Non", they would mind?