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an add-on thought

Started by Ryan, September 01, 2004, 11:34:08 PM

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Hey everyone in smoke-land, this is my first post here so dont go so hard on me for now.  I havent gotten a Bradley yet but will soon and will prob buy from Chez Bubba (because, well he is awsome) but before i do i want to run an idea across your noses.  i was wondering if anyone ever thought about putting a window in the door or one of the side walls so you dont have to open the door and check your meat?  i wouldnt just cut a hole and paste/duct tape the glass in place, my friend works for a glass company and they could do a professional job for me.  i just wanted to see from real BS owners if you think it is actually possible or am i kidding myself.



Well, I have a thought on that but before I say what it is, welcome to the board!

Now, I wouldn't do it for the following reasons:
1)It would void the warranty
2)It would dramatically diminish the insulating properties of the Bradley
3) it will turn black from the smoke and thereby not allow visability into the unit - even if you clean it, it will eventually become scratched to the point where you'd have to replace.
4) it would make it look funny

"A mans got to know his limitations"
Glendora, CA - USA!


Welcome aboard.  A long time ago I sold wood stoves.  They looked real pretty before you ever fired them up.  Shiney glass, the whole bit.  Once you fired them up though the glass was mostly opaque from the smoke.  You could see the glow of the fire but not a clear shot into the fire box.  I feel sure installing a window is possible and to be honest not very hard(I'm in the window business) but may not be very pratical.  You would have to use tempered insulated IMHO first for safty and second to keep in the heat.  Still not an overly expensive project.  If since the time of my wood stove days they have developed a product that will keep the smoke from sticking(lack of a better word) to the glass you may have something.  Last thought.  I feel sure you would not be able to see much while the smoke gen is on anyway but would be nice once the smoke is turned off.  Would also probally void the warranty.  Happy smokin'.  I bet some of the other folks here will chime in as well.

Some say BBQ is in your blood, if thats true my blood must be BBQ sauce.
Some people say BBQ is in the blood, if thats true my blood must be BBQ sauce.



I think one of the hardest things to deal with with the Bradley, is having the faith you need that everything inside the smoker is fine.  Having had some very mixed results with my Brinkman in the past, my first couple of Bradley smokes often found me hovering near the door trying to decide if I really needed to open it up to look, even though you know full well that it is not necessary!  

IMHO, rather than paying for the window, use the money to buy a good dual probe thermometer (which you would still need anyway, even with the window).  I like my maverick ET-73 just fine, as long as I replace the batteries regularly.

After a few smokes, you will have the confidence that you rarely need to open the door except to refill the water pan or rotate the racks every now and again depending on the length of the cooking time. Now, about the only thing I worry about is when the stuff goes in, and when it comes out.  The Bradley truly does handle just about everything else itself, and that's one of the best reasons to have one.


Thanks for the tips gentlemen, i was just thinking outloud, i didnt even think about the warranty.  duh.  anyway, i am getting a BS in october so then i can share my victories and defeats with you guys.  i will still be lurking around the site gathering info and trying to learn as much as possible so i wont have too many disasters.  
talk to ya soon,


I've used many different types and styles of smokers over the years. One thing they all have in common is that they smoke! Have you ever opened the smoker while smoking? You can't see anything until the smoke clears. So if you want to look at smoke, put the window in.

everything tastes better outback