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Converting the ET-73 into a Dual Meat Monitor

Started by Habanero Smoker, April 23, 2007, 02:30:28 AM

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Habanero Smoker

I have posted this tip on a few occasions, but I believe this does deserve its own thread. Many of us have purchased the Maverick ET-73 then latter have obtain the Rapture/Guru or built a temperature control device (ex. PID). Therefore you no longer need the ET-73 to monitor the cabinet temperatures. Rather then have mine clutter my gadget drawer; I converted it into a remote dual meat probe monitor.

To do this you will need another meat probe that will fit the ET-73. If you have another Maverick thermometer with a meat probe, you can use that, or you can order another one from Maverick Industries, Inc. I have seen Maverick probes for sale on Allied Kenco Sales, so that is another source. Though I have never tried, it may be possible to use a probe from other makes of thermometer that have the same miniature plug and socket.

To date, the only restrictions I've found are 1) you must set the Smoker [2] temperature first; 2) the Smoker[2] temperature setting must be set higher than the Food [1] setting; and 3) the Smoker [2] setting must be set at 140°F or higher. None of these restrictions should cause any problems. Connect one meat probe into the Food [1] plug-in; and the second meat probe into the Smoker [2] plug-in. Turn on the ET-73, and adjust your settings. That's it!

Converting can also work the other way. West Coast Kansas has used the Smoker probe of the ET-73, and plugged it into one of the plug-ins of his ET-72. This tip is also valuable for those whose ET-73 unit may have failed, but the probes are still useful.


Tiny Tim

I had a minor issue with my maverick yesterday using it with the oven.  Was trying to set the food temp, but it started at 176 and would only go up...wanted to set at 140.  Haven't done my antenna mod yet, so I don't think it's anything I did to the unit.  How can I get this changed?  I think the "smoker" side started at 140 for the high end, and 50 for the low.

Habanero Smoker

That's unusual, it is usually the smoker temperature setting that give you that problem. Both the food and smoker always default to 176° on power up. So you should have been able to set the meat probe at 140°F. If you hook up to the smoker socket, can only go down to 140°F, and the meat socket will go as low as 32°F and up to the high 300°F.

It look like you were having the problem with setting the smoker temperature. Make sure you were in the right mode, when you were trying to set the temperature settings, and always set the smoker settings first.


Tiny Tim

I set the smoker temp first (well, I was using the oven, but same diff.), then held the food button, and 176 came up, and it would only increase from there.  Couldn't find my instruction sheet, so I couldn't do any authorized troubleshooting...wouldn't know where I could find a pdf of it, would you?

Mr Walleye

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Unless I be mistaken, the only way to change the temperature is to go up.  Once it reaches the max setpoint, it will start over at the bottom set point.  It is a frustrating and long wait to cycle all the way around especially if you are on your 3rd round after missing your set point from falling asleep.  You would think a down button wouldn't have been too much to ask for.
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Tiny Tim

Okay, that's what I was wondering after reading the destructions that Mr. Walleye gave me the pdf on.  Just thought I was doing something critically wrong...turns out I just wasn't informed enough. :D

Thanks for the help everybody.