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Fellow Canucks - OBS & Pucks on sale at Canadian Tire

Started by Mr Walleye, April 27, 2007, 01:01:56 PM

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Mr Walleye

The sale is back on at Canadian Tire for the OBS - $299.99 Cdn. The pucks are on for $15.99 Cdn.


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When it's brown its cooking....when its black its done!

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soon our money will be the same ..........  crossed to Woodstock ,ON  last weekend at Sarnia .  got 10% conversion on my american money .  figure the 14%  (GST & PST ) in sales taxes and it cost me 4% more to buy stuff in canada . lol .......  used to get  35% for my cash 6 years ago.................  and my fellow  canadians are getting ripped off at the retail level ...........  checked some prices in walmart up there .......  your money is worth 10% less  and the retail prices they charge you are still 35% higher then here .....SUCKS  walmart must make a killing in Canada ...... I told my daughter up there when my grandson wants his first bike I will deliver . lol
If ya go home hungry ........ You were at the wrong House!!


checked this out today. My crappy tire only has hickory, alder, and apple. Anyone else have any other pucks at thier crappy tire? I'll have to order the mesquite and cherry from bradley it looks like. I can't find them in town anywhere.
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Mr Walleye


That's the same flavors we have here next door to you. I did find maple there once though. You could try giving Wholesale sports in Saskatoon a call as they also have the Bradley products.


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Thanks for the tip MRW! I have a few people going to toon town in the next week or so, so I will get them to check. Apparently you can get hi-mountain jerky up in S'toon as well!
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Mr Walleye


Actually in Regina is a place called JB's Sausage. Here is a link to their site. The web site sucks but the store has a huge amount of fresh ground spices and various other cure mixes including a number for Jerky. I use theirs all the time.



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Hey Mr. Walleye. I actually goto JB's, especially when the sausage is being made around X-mas time. I bought some bulk spices and picked up a few of their jerky seasonings but have not had a chance to try them out. I picked up Peppery Jerky and standard Jerky mix.

What kinds of jerky seasoning do you get from JB's?
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Mr Walleye


I would have to look at home but I think the standard version is what I usually use. I usually add whatever pepper to it when I use it.  Last time I was there I bought some peppered as well, I think it was jalapeno. I also buy ground habanero, jalapeno and white pepper there. It's a pretty good supply store.
I do really like their jerky mix.


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Quote from: SKSmoker on April 30, 2007, 03:22:13 PM
checked this out today. My crappy tire only has hickory, alder, and apple. Anyone else have any other pucks at thier crappy tire? I'll have to order the mesquite and cherry from bradley it looks like. I can't find them in town anywhere.
Hey at least they are still carrying them!!!!!!!
We have two crappys in Lethbridge, and the south one does not carry pucks or BS's anymore that I can see.  Have you guys noticed that Centro has come out with a digital electric smoker to compliment the line of gas grills at Canuck?

SK, I agree with Walleye.  Try Wholesale.  Sometimes they stick it to you good there, but on some items, I have really researched and they still had the best price.  Like my GPS I got last year, wholesale was the best.  Their puck price is reasonable.  Also my parents found Bradley at the local Federated Co-op store.  You likely have one of those around, and the pucks were $20.  It was the hardware store, not the grocery store.
Vegetarian is an ancient aboriginal word meaning "lousy hunter"
We have enough youth...how about a fountain of smart?
Living a healthy lifestyle is simply choosing to die at the slowest possible rate.

Mr Walleye


I did see that CT has the Centro Smoker. Not sure what they are like. Our CT has them but they are boxed and I didn't feel like taking it out to look.

On another note, I have found GPS Central out of Calgary to be the best prices for depth finders and GPS. If they are not the best price they will lower it to be the best price or that is the experience I've had there. They also have a web site.


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I'll poke around for the pucks. I am running out and need some more soon. I'll look at the Co-op and some other places. Never know who handles what.

The smoker I think is a masterbuilt type unit??? Having to find wood chunks to put in a tube doesn't excite me much, but then I am kinda lazy. I want my meat to cook and not have to put wood in all the time :P
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