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Running up Post count... Vote Closes March 19 2010

Started by icerat4, May 02, 2007, 03:33:35 PM

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Maybe I should hold off on bringing the beef jerky next week LQ.  Wouldn't want you to all jerky diet on us like AP.   ;)
Click here for our time proven and tested recipes - http://www.susanminor.org/

La Quinta

Now wait a minute Giz...let's not get wonky!!! I still have nightmares about those little raisins in the potty...JERKY GOOD IN MODERATION (I'm swinging a tea bag in front of your face)...now repeat after me Giz...JERKY GOOD...LITTLE POOPY RAISINS BAD...are ya sayin it? :)


 :o   ::)  Jer Goo  Poo Rai Ba   :o ::)

Ah, Ah, I think I got it.   ???
Click here for our time proven and tested recipes - http://www.susanminor.org/

West Coast Sausage Maker

soylent green is people

agent provocateur

landjaeger can get you right... thats the plan anyway...

a p

West Coast Sausage Maker

Quote from: agent provocateur on May 19, 2008, 11:36:48 AM
landjaeger can get you right... thats the plan anyway...

a p

Nice work A P ,   do you have a recipie you'd be willing to share?

soylent green is people

Phone Guy

Quote from: owrstrich on April 13, 2008, 10:01:56 PM
so much to see... so little time...

next weekend the coastal mountains... monterey bay heading south to who knows where...

lots o sheer drop offs in them hills thats for sure...

since we cant smoke without a kitchen... so there we ride... i miss the smoked beast...


Where did all that hair come from? Doesn't look like the owrstrich I met......

La Quinta

Hair looks good "O"...now I know why Mickie wanted you to grow it back big!! :)


hydraulic fluid from the mini crane hand pump which prevented us from riding last weekend...

but today its all about exploration of the hills... the valleys... the delta....going on intuition about the altamont pass area of ca...

lotts o horns... lotts o cattle guards... some were wondering the roads...

many distinctive terrane changes this weekend...

cow pie... yumm...

yesser... we saw beasts with horns and some with snoots... lotts o turkeys out here... wherever here is... i went right instead of left and was lost most of the time... for you gps users... its called going on intuition...

ran into a few of these out here too...


fans... fans...

we got fans...

there were lotts o big birds... big whites... big grays... and such... but that crazy wench micki was sleeping on the job... so no photos...

draw bridge... cheating to the front...

waiting for captain darrell and his first mate darryle...

you gotta eat,,,

aint mooved for a while im thinking...

the bridge over the ship channel to skankramental...

im gonna have to trade in that crazy wench micki on a newer model... she really missed all the good photos...

i am johnny owrstrich... i disapprove of this post...

West Coast Kansan

JO, another GREAT explore, ride on brother.   8)

Click On Link For Our Time Tested And Proven Recipes and Register at this site for Tuesday Night Chat Room Chat is FUN!

NOW THAT'S A SMOKED OYSTER (and some scallops)

agent provocateur

if theyed turn them fans off then there wernt be no wind in the central valley...

i thinks theys ventilating the evil thats happening on the other side of the hill...

no wonder the frogs leap so far at the calvaras fair...

a p


O & AP,

Looks like you were very close to me. I certainly recognize the last pic; been over that bridge myself on the bike.



yesser... back in tracy... didnt want to bother you or the mob lawyer cause its a holiday weekend and all...

saturday we are gonna ride the 108 sonora pass and the 89 monitor pass and back on the 4 ebbetts pass...

sunday we are gonna watch the indy500 on the tube then ride down to the tulare thunderbowl for the usac sprint car races...

monday we are gonna ride the 4 ebbetts pass to the 89 monitor pass then back on the 88 carson pass...

should be about 1200 miles in 3 days... then we are off to the land of the phone guy... redd bluff and redding... before heading into oregon for our pacwest work detail...


i am johnny owrstrich... i disapprove of this post...


O & AP,

On the Delta for Saturday, watching Indy 500 on Sunday, and moving funiture on Monday. If you are close and need to wash the bugs off your teeth with an adult beverage, let me know. Sounds like you have a great plan for the weekend.

Lightning Bolt   8)

agent provocateur

i was at the heath kit forum and found that arcs_n_sparks is a frequent poster over there...

someone posted this photo of hisbadself... getting a little lite on the top there... but everything else is looking fine... mighty fine indeed...
