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Pre buying questions

Started by jnmsnow, May 18, 2007, 09:28:32 AM

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First GREAT forum!!!

I am planning on buying and original and installing a PID. Now my question is:

Does the PID control the time as well as the temp?

I have seen reference to "Stiring fans"  can anyone tell me or point me to a post that tell me how and where to install it/them?

I am coming from a charcoal side-by-side smoker/grill, not that I am lazy but I don't like having to run in and out for 12 hrs checking on things. I can't wait till I purchase a Bradley...

Thanks in advance

Habanero Smoker

Welcome to the forum.

Here's a link to instructions on the fan.

While there you should check out the rest of the site. I don't have a PID, but you may want to clarify what you mean about controlling time. Are you talking about the amount of time you apply smoke, or the amount of time you apply heat, or both.

Since you have the OBS, you time the smoke by the amount of bisquettes you load. Each bisquette smokes for approximately 20 minutes. So 2 hour equals 6 bisquettes, plus 3 bisquettes to push the sixth bisquette to the burner. Or instead of the extra 3 bisquettes you can use 2 bubba pucks plus one bisquette on top; or 3 bubba pucks.



Welcome to the forum.  I personally am not into the PID thing, but I also have a background in the side firebox type smoker.  DO NOT get rid of it.  The BS is a better unit and more versitile but IMHO your current unit will do better with beef steaks, i.e. NY Strips, etc.
Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth.

CLICK HERE for Recipe Site:  http://www.susanminor.org/


I too am a plan jane bs user and dont feel the need to do the add ons.Grab a beer and a good temp probe and away ya go.Once ya get the handle of the temps and timing and believe me even with those add ons its still a lil learning curve.So try the old fashion way frisrt then if need be spend the extra buck if ya want .Just my 2 cents ;D ;D ;D ;D

Just another weekend with the smoker...


Thank you for your quick reply.  I will do just that start with the basic and go from there.  I was not planning to get rid of my side by side, still love to grill on it.  I currently make my own charcoal and use it for grilling.