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Baby Back Ribs

Started by wicz, May 25, 2007, 01:16:48 PM

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yep just nw of chicago crystal lake.But i was born and rasised in bang bang chicago

Just another weekend with the smoker...


Ok here ya go i too have sams clubs ribs too do so ill go thru my pics and steps see how sim we are on this rib deal.Pics coming at 7pm tomorrow as the ribs are now in the fridge getting all cozy and spicy.Sams club ribs are hugh this time 9 pound plus per cryo pack 3 in a pac so 3 full ribs in each pack.I start by de membraning the ribs fun huh.Then i tap them down to get the moister blood off.When done whit that i will shake BAM BAM rub ALL over. I find this and icemans RUB stuff to be right where it needs to be to give a nice kick with the smoke combo.Then after the lite rub a dub dub .In plastic and in fridge for a nice over night sleep.Until tomorrow thats it.These 2 pack of baby backs from sams are almot 20 pounds keep that in mind.WEIGHT does matter duh,Man these are huge cool.Ill have to figure another 2 hours easy for this kind of size.Remember low and slow .I dont speed here its not worth messing up the final product.So 2 hours plus o well .Ok later pics and more notes for ya later. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Just another weekend with the smoker...


Sounds like a plan icerat.  I was also born in Chicago.  I lived in the Hoffman Estates.  Moved when I was five.

I got the ribs in the smoker around 8:30am.  As of right now 3 hrs to go.  From one of iceman post, I learned to spray apple juice on the ribs about every 30 to 45 mins.  I have been doing it about 45 mins or so.  I have my own rub that I made up.  If the famliy likes the ribs I will post the whats in it.  Not sure I am going to put them in the oven, do you think I will be ok if I skip that?


sure ice is right spray away no biggie may add a lil a very lil more time  to cooking cause when.Opening and closing the box does heat reduction quick in most cases. Butt dont worry not enough to make a huge dif.And i alway alway wrap them up and juice them down the last 3-4 hours at 190 in oven.Some people here do the ftc deal which i find only useful in briskets and my pulled pork.Ya see the steam and foil in the over does the magic.But if your going to go all the way in the bradley id say sure apple away till the end with a very very lite mop.I found i have way way better results controling my ribs in the oven compared to the full 9 yards in the bradley.Dont get me wrong i m sure guys have there ways .But this is my way and its a sure deal for the so called falloff the bone ribs with great flavor and kick.Most and i mean most stuff cant take more the 4-5 hours of somke so all say.So i follow that rule why waste the puck and ya know what.Its right in there as far as smoke taste goes.So 90 percent of the stuff i somke is just that smoke prosses.I do all the rest in a convectin oven to finish.I love the even heat in the convectin.My pulled pork is done from start to finish in the bs.Hope some of this help.Belive me im herte typing when i could be riding my doos pics below.BUT THE DAM RAIN WONT STOP DAM DAM DAM ....

Just another weekend with the smoker...


here ya go sams club hugh

  sorry ice butt your right next to this guy cudos .

See its still raining out here this day is lost for waverunning bummer.Hope ya like the pics.

   0 i forgot in the fridge resting with a friend lol.

Just another weekend with the smoker...


Baby backs the way my boy likes them......3hrs hickory @ 215F, spray with applejuice, then 1 hour @ 215F, then wrap in foil with a squirt of applejuice and finish for 1 hour @ 250F. I then check to see if the meat tears away with a slight tug. If so, there done.


"Men like to barbecue, men will cook if danger is involved"


Wow your son has the same look in his eyes as my daughter when eating bs ribs. :) :) :)

Just another weekend with the smoker...


Real nice guys!  My daughter and her husband drove down for the weekend and we decided to do NY strips.  Running kind of late so will just do on the charcoal grill instead of my steak smoker.
Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth.

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I just pulled the ribs form the smoker, and they are looking GREAT.  Right now they are FTC.  I just sprayed them with apple juice before wraping them with foil.  How long should they rest in the cooler?  1 hour or 2?  More? OH, can the camera died, so I wont have pics until tomorrow when we reheat them.


As late as my post is to this, I am sure you have already pulled them.   ;)  FTC would depend on how long you cooked them and how far away they are from falling off the bone or how long you need to finish all the other food.  90 minutes to 2 hours is what I use but I have eaten them straight off the BS, just wasn't falling off, which is not a requirement and not a competition style rib.  Glad I don't do competitions.  LOL
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Had a debaucle today.  Unlike you guys, these bones would not finish.  No adverse condition that I could determine, except.... maybe the ribs were too cold out of the fridge.   But I pulled them out earlier than the full load I did last time, at least an hour earlier.   All the same, when I did these a couple of weeks ago, with more weight meat wise, our weather temp was way lower, wind was way louder, and there was rain.   Darn it, darn it, darn it.   Ribs were tasty, but not done the way I like them.  And certainly not done to perfection.  Don't know what I could have done different, except make a blood sacrifice to the Smoking (insert favorite word for ex girlfriend) Goddess. 

Not my best effort, although I wanted to put together a nice meal for the nephew and those others who were lifting to help us out.  they ate 'em, and I cut up more, and they ate those too.  Maybe not as bad as I think, but... Hell, you guys know what I think.  I wanted to lay out a few pounds of (insert gorgeous faced beauty's name here) ribs, and I wound up serving volume instead. 

I think I'm going to have to jump back in the saddle before the war movies are over!   Gotta know that this result is an anomoly.  Or order a pizza. Or a perro burrito.  That Damm dog is still making noise and I'm going to blame it!


Quote from: icerat4 on May 25, 2007, 01:46:06 PM
hey i do sams clubs all the time so your doing 14-15 pounds huh.Thats 2 cryo vac bags sams are 7-8 pounds a cryo with 3 full slabs in each.Remove the membrane.225 is way too high in my 2 cnts 195-205 for 4 hours of smoke then another 3-4 hours at the same temp with apple jucie sprayed on between hours.I take mine out of the bs and put in a nice foil pan with foil on top and cook the rest in the oven at 190 

I just got my smoker, Non digital, Stainless model.  I want to the baby backs also but if I understand this right, smoke at 195-205 for 4 hours then another 3-4 hours at same temp with apple juice sprayed on. Then put in a foil pan with foil on top in convection oven at 190.

1.   How long in the oven at 190 degrees?
2.   I have to open the oven in order to spay apple juice on. Can you please give more detail on that process?
3.   I put the ribs directly on the racks?
4.   Is there any marinade on front end?
5.   Any details would be most welcomed!
Thanks to all. I own a Big Green Egg and a TEC grill so this was natural next step, grin


Hopefully I won't confuse the situation but you may be following 2 different process (not that it wouldn't work).
Once process is all Bradley - 4 hours of smoke, plus 2 or more additional hours of just BS oven time.
Another process is Bradley - 4 hours of smoke, plus 2 or more additional hours of 190 in a standard or convection oven, wrapped in foil or in a foil boat with lid after getting sprayed with some apple juice or other flavored liquids. 

Total time will depend on how hot you are smoking and how many racks you have loaded the BS with.  I use a 200 Deg F box temp when smoking.

Most people use the dry rub but a few like a marinade as well.
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I have 8 baby racks (two per rack) and can not get the heat over 150 degrees? I ahve bottom lever all the way hard right. I have vent all teh way open. I want to cook all in teh bardley. it is at least 90 degrees outside on back porch where BS is. Any advice/ grin

Mr Walleye

I would try closing the vent down to half open or even one third open and see if that helps. That is a fairly big load.

How long have they been in?

Have you had any problems getting up to temp before?

Are you sure your main heater in the tower is on? Is it red hot?


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