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DiabetiSweet, has anybody ever used it in a rub?

Started by jfalls55, August 17, 2007, 07:42:03 PM

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My local Wally-World pharmacy was out of DiabetiSweet brown but I had told my buddy up in Lake Whales about it and when I arrived Sat. he had found a couple of boxes at his local. He also had a package of brown Splenda. The Splenda has about 30% brown sugar mixed in and doesn't taste all that great, anyway. The DiabetiSweet on the other hand tastes super and does caramalize although it seemed to lose a little volume when cooked down. Already put it in sauces and rubs; Now for an overall evaluation. Glad to see your doing well on the life adjustment. (Don't use anything but sea salt and Kosher so can't help you with that one.) ;D
The Artmiester

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