Well I did it too... New Canadian smoker

Started by JDM, January 22, 2008, 07:29:49 AM

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I too couldn't resist the $299 deal at Canadian Tire. It's -10C here and snowing big time. The new Bradley is now seasoning in the garage by the open door.  ;D

And some of those fatties that I read about here, are in the fridge waiting to go on.  :D

Luck Is When Preparation Meets Opportunity

Mr Walleye

You'll love that baby & the great food you produce Dave!  ;)

Make sure you let us know how the fatties turn out.


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Welcome Dave. Lots of friendly folks here looking forward to sharing.
May the fragrance of thin blue smoke always grace your backyard.

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Welcome aboard Dave.  Just wish CT would do a better job with their puck selection.

"I'd like some Hickory please.  Oh, and can you also give me a box of Hickory?  Thanks"



Thanks for the welcome.
Seasoning done, and the fatties are smoking. I'm surprised at the moisture around the vent, it's about half open. Sure smells good.

I wish this thing had a window!! ;) I wanna see  :)

Luck Is When Preparation Meets Opportunity


Amazon still has the buy 3 get one free deal going on. Not sure how that works ordering from Canada. Just ordered 4 more boxes. Can never have too many pucks!

Mr Walleye

For pucks I usually get most of mine when Canadian Tire has them on sale at $15.99 but I agree their selection is usually poor at best.

Here is another link to an ebay seller (Cold Lake Marina) from Cold Lake Alberta. I have never bought anything from them but they have lots of Bradley stuff on ebay. Here's the link.



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Hi  Mr. Walleye You are right about the poor selection of pucks at Canadian Tire and they are tucked away in the fishing and hunting section. I have tried all the outlets near me   (Montreal, west island ) and they only seem to have one box of Mesquite or Hickory. The boxes all seem beat up with broken pucks inside. I asked if they have any more stock but they said they are a seasonal item so it looks like I will have to wait for BBQ season  and stock up then. I noticed on the Bradley web site that they list Baron Sport as retailers so I will go and have a look this week end. One more thing, on the outside of all the boxes that I found it said that there was supposed to be a recipe card inside. The box of Alder that I bought had no card inside and when I checked the other boxes there were no cards in any of them. Have Bradley stopped putting them inside or are they being spirited away by persons unknown.
Brian. Montreal.

Mr Walleye

Hi Brian

Inside each box of 48 is 4 cellophane wrapped package of 12. The recipe cards are the cardboard type material at the bottom of each package of 12. As far as I know the recipe cards are still currently in them. I wonder if what you have is old or very old stock.

Our Canadian Tire has a little better stock of them but not much better selection. If my mind is working correctly they usually have Mesquite, Hickory, Apple and Special Blend. They have usually had more boxes then I've wanted to buy at any time.


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Welcome aboard. Yes they still have the recipes in the bisquette packets but I keep getting the same couple and, truthfully, I've never had the urge to try any of them. I have plenty of proven recipes from years of smoking on my other smokers. Plus, in my opinion, you can find better and more proven recipes here on this forum and elsewhere. Good luck.



I use them as bookmarks in my cookbooks.

Mr Walleye

Great minds think alike Carter!  :o

I have a bid binder full of recipes and "stuff". It has a little pouch in it that I keep the recipe cards in and I use them for book marks as well!  :D


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Mike is this winter ever going to end?

I'm a little worried about my BS.  I brought in the bisquette advance back in December and have kept it in our basement.  But I left the actual smoker outside in my shed.

Hopefully I don't regret leaving it out in this deep freeze of a winter.  Really looking forward to the thaw and getting back into smoking again.


Mr Walleye


I hear ya on the weather!

These last few days here is been around + 7 to 10 C during the day. We have lost a lot of snow!  8)

We had some nasty cold weather this year for sure. I've seen some of the video clips on the news from down east... Wow... Did you guys get hammered! Hopefully it melts soon but not all at once.


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West Coast Kansan

That recipe card for moose heart looks really good...but having a lot of trouble trying to score a moose here in San Diego.   >:(

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NOW THAT'S A SMOKED OYSTER (and some scallops)