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smoked onion soup

Started by tsquared, December 09, 2004, 06:52:32 AM

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I cut up 4 large onions from our crop this year into 1/4 inch slices and threw them onto a spare rack when I was doing some butts. Smoked them for an hour using special blend and pulled them out when they looked golden brown. Let them cool and stuck them in the fridge till i had time to make some smoked onion soup. OMG! Big hit with my partner(she's a soup fiend) and they tasted unbelievable to me too. I think you could do a rack or two full while you are doing something else and then chuck them in the freezer. The recipe I used was

<center></center>4 large onions
<center></center>3Tbsp butter
<center></center>1/4 cup olive oil
<center></center>2 cloves garlic finely minced
<center></center>1 tsp kosher salt
<center></center>2 tsp sugar
<center></center>black pepper to taste
<center></center>1 cup red wine
<center></center>1/4 cup all purpose flour
<center></center>6 cups beef or vegie broth
<center></center>1 cup of heavy cream (I used milk)
Melt butter, add olive oil. Heat and add onions to carmelize over med-high heat for up to half an hour.Add the garlic, turn down heat and cook for a further 5 minutes. Add salt, pepper, sugar. Add the red wine and reduce to a jam like consistency. Add flour, stir well and add broth a cup at a time. simmer for 30 minutes, add cream and heat to almost boiling. Enjoy. (I got this recipe from Barbecue Secrets by Ron Shewchuck.)


Sounds delicious.  Thanks.

There is room on earth for all God's creatures....right on my plate next to the mashed potatoes.


Ok thats enough, you folks are coming up with too many great ideas, too fast.  Between the the Beef Ribs, Marboro Pie and now this~~~~I got to get something in the smoker this weekend.

Thanks T


Perryville, Arkansas

If a man says he knows anything at all, he knows nothing what he aught to know.  But...


Perryville, Arkansas

It's not how much you smoke but how many friends you make while doing it...

Chez Bubba


Man that sounds good![:p]

Do a search on chicken salad for the full story, but I smoked a couple of onions on a spare rack like you & made a batch that was a huge success.

When one of us always thinkin' folks on this board become the next Emeril, we have to make a pact not to forget the rest of the membership![:D][:D][8D]


Ya think next time I check into a hotel & they ask "Smoking or Non?" they would mind?
Ya think if next time I check into a hotel & they ask "Smoking or Non", they would mind?



tsquared: Tom, I meant to copy this the other day but I didn't have the time, anyhow it looks excellent. I've never smoked onions before, were yours by any chance Spanish, as that's what I was thinking of using, that or Vadilia but I thought they might be a little mild for the soup. In any case I'm a firm believer that soup everyday is good for you in this cold wet and ugly weather were coming into.[8D]


Cold Smoke

Tsquared, I made a batch of your soup this weekend. Very good ![:p] I forgot the cream/milk part though and the company still liked it a lot. No leftovers [V][V].

Thanks for the recipe.

Cold Smoke


Ian: Our onions are Walla Walla Sweets, which is a mild white onion originating in Washington state. Still tasted great, even though it was mild. My wife has been under the weather lately and all our friends keep bringing over food. Consequently we had about 5 different kinds of soup in the fridge the other day so I asked her which kind she wanted for lunch--mine of course! Ha! A moment of male culinary triumph![:D]
By the way, I see those Steelers lucked out again this weekend!
Cold smoke-Glad you liked it.


tsquared; Tom ill give this a go useing both spanish & vadilia what the heck, anyhow I've never herd of Walla Walla sweets.Obviously another fine product from Washington State as I really appreciate there qualtiy of their Asparagus. There at least two weeks ahead of the product from here out of Lemington, which is a good week ahead of Niagara-on-the-Lake. [8D]

Ian <b>( GO STEELERS!!!!!!!) </b>
Luck????? Great teams arn't always great only when they have to be!!!!LOL!!!!


OK Ian--maybe those Steelers don't have luck, but they sure had the football gods  on their side yesterday against the dog-faced Jets!


Looked to good not to try so I did some onion slices while doing a pork loin this morning.  Prepared just as the recipes says and it is very good, will do again.  I was using pecan pucks and left them in for about 1 1/2 hours.  Thanks for the recipe.

Hopeful in Iowa


Hey Hopeful--I don't know why I didn't see your post before--glad you liked the soup and welcome to the forum!


This soup is heavenly.....That reduction just smells great.  Man use real cream....It's like a wondeful gravy that you would like to eat instead put on your potatoes...Gone in two days....


Perryville, Arkansas

If a man says he knows anything at all, he knows nothing what he aught to know.  But...


Perryville, Arkansas

It's not how much you smoke but how many friends you make while doing it...