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Remote Thermometers

Started by Landy, December 07, 2004, 05:50:03 PM

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Hi All,new to the site. Just in the process of converting an old fridge. Could use any tips or advise as this is the first atempt. Any recomendations on a remote thermometer? Anyone have the Maverick ET-73 that sells on Ebay? This projectis in its infancy so please feel free to suggest.  Thanks in advance


There are many threads on the Maverick ET-73.  Just use the search feature for more info, but I think the consensus here is that it is the thremometer of choice.  I have one and am pretty happy with it.  You just need to keep fresh batteries in it to keep it functioning well.


Quote<i>Originally posted by Landy</i>
<br />Hi All,new to the site. Just in the process of converting an old fridge. Could use any tips or advise as this is the first atempt. Any recomendations on a remote thermometer? Anyone have the Maverick ET-73 that sells on Ebay? This projectis in its infancy so please feel free to suggest.  Thanks in advance


Let me start by saying this is ONLY MY OPINION! I was going to do the same thing you are thinking about. With the time and money you will have invested in your conversion you might be much happier with buying the Bradley Smoker. I know I was and I am glad now that I never went through with my idea. I am smoking now and if I would have continued on with the refrig. project I would not be smoking good food as yet. You will like the BS. Go to ChezBubba.com. Good Luck in what ever direction you take!



Thanks bsolomon, just what I wanted to know. I understand what you are saying BigRed , I purchased the smoke generator from Bradley,but they also gave me the option of buying the rest of the system if my project fails. Just like doing things myself.[:)]


I got the one with the Redicheck label on it--works great.

Habanero Smoker

<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by smokinrookie</i>
<br />i found an et 73 maverick on the gadgetsource.com for 40 dollars

can anyone tell me if it is the same as on the maverick site for $60?
or is it an older version.

the only difference i see is the one on the gadgetsource has a redicheck logo on it, and the one on the maverick site does not.

head....spinning........must smoke
<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">
You have the same model that is displayed on their website.
