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awesome eggs

Started by bflosmoke, September 12, 2008, 06:28:06 AM

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I know it might sound sick, but I had a little bit of pulled pork left over from a few days ago, so I found a use for it. I heated the pork and added it to scrambled eggs with a touch of BBQ sauce. It was simple but boy it was good.


Now here I  was expecting you to tell me you rubbed down some hardboiled eggs with olive/veggie oil, sprinkled some rub on them and smoked 'em at 205-225 for an hour. They turned out with this lovely brown smoked color and you had a pic. BUT NOOOOOOOO you had to tell me about scrambled egg's and pulled pork, right before I was gonna go to bed hungry. Thanks alot now I have to go eat sumfin.
Bacon is the Crack Cocaine of the Food World.

Be careful about calling yourself and EXPERT! An ex is a has-been, and a spurt is a drip under pressure!


I was kinda expecting what TP5 was. The scrambled versions sounds much better! I give you full permission to spin off the "Fish Eggs" recipe and call yours "Pig Eggs"....makes my grandkids go, "Eeeeeyuuuw!

Smokin Soon

I thought I was the only one to do that! Most folks like it it a sammy, Mine is a scramble with chopped green onion and some green pepper. Breakfast Supremo!


is this a twist on pulled  pork.... scrambled prk... hummm let  me  see .. 1) pork... 2) bender... 3) put  1 and 2 toghter and it equald scrambled pork... hehehe

sounds good with chives and Cheese


La Quinta

Man o man that sounds good bfl....I have pulled pork and the ability to scramble...yummy...

The smoked hard-boiled sounds good too for egg salad!!!  :)

Thanks!!!  8)