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Questions for sausage makers

Started by Piker, December 03, 2008, 07:28:19 AM

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In a lot of Rytek recipes it calls for corn syrup solids and powdered dextrose. To me they are basically the same thing so why use both of them? I usually do not add any sweetener to my sausage. The same goes for soy protien concentrate and nonfat milk powder both of which serves the same purpose and they are both called for. Some of these products are hard to find around here so I am wondering if I can use just one and double the amount or total amount recipe calls for each ingredient? thks Dave

Mr Walleye

Hi Piker

Although they are both sweet to different degrees from what I understand they are used for slightly different reasons. The description below was taken from Allied Kenco's site, here's a link to the whole article. http://www.alliedkenco.com/catalog/popup_text.php/fld/howto/tbl/howtos/key/22

SWEETENERS: Sugars are use to add flavor and to cover or mask salt. Sugars will cause browning when the product is pan fried or grilled.

Dextrose - 70% as sweet as cane sugar and quite a bit heavier. Helps reduce nitrate to nitrite as meats are cured. Used to counter salt in brines.

Maple Sugar - Used in producing bacon - adds flavor and aroma.

Corn Syrup and Corn Syrup Solids - Only about 40-50% as sweet as cane sugar. This additive will help to hold water and color in meat, bind the meat when curing sausage at low temperatures, aid the fermentation process when semi-dry or dry curing. Add no more than 2% of the green weight of the meat.

Hope that helps...


Click On The Smoker For Our Time Tested And Proven Recipes


Thanks Mike the article was exactly what I was looking for. I understand the purpose of each ingredient now. Thks again Dave


Quote from: Piker on December 03, 2008, 09:53:10 AM
Thanks Mike the article was exactly what I was looking for. I understand the purpose of each ingredient now. Thks again Dave

Am I right in assuming that we will soon be seeing posts of lots of  sausage?
Bacon is the Crack Cocaine of the Food World.

Be careful about calling yourself and EXPERT! An ex is a has-been, and a spurt is a drip under pressure!

Up In Smoke

great question and great article,
i have recently gained and intrest in sausage
and this has just answered a lot of questions for me.
the people here are an amazing wealth of knowledge...

                                                       y'all are just amazing
2 Bradley OBS
Some people are like Slinkies... They're really good for nothing.
...But they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs.

Smokin Soon

My first couple of batches of sausages, I skipped ingredients I did not have, and I must say the results were pretty good. Then I bought the Rytek Kutkas book and thought "this guy knows sausage!" I then went online and stocked up on all the weird stuff, dextrose, fat replacer, soy concentrate and more. It's really not so expensive to do and they all have a long shelf life when properly stored. I now follow to the letter and have had much better results along with tips from the forum. Now i will, after a batch step up the things I love like garlic, onion and paprika. Or take the heat to the next level. I have a lot to learn, but for now it's by the book.

Smoking Duck

I really gotta get me a copy of that book!

Steeler....she's a keeper!

Who doesn't love lab puppies?

Click here for my blog: La Cosa Smokestra

Smokin Soon

Well worth it Duck, give wifey a hint. Good Xmas stocking stuffer! You will gain a wealth of info not available online. {and i thought you could get anything online!]



We dont need no stinkin ..............Books  ;D  :D  :D



I've heard powdered milk is helpful in making lean sausages stick together.
Is there a fixed amount per pound of meat you add, or does it vary from recipe to recipe?
Speaking of books...I just got The Venison Sausage Cookbook by Harold W. Webster, Jr.
Got it from a Amazon Marketplace book seller.
Anyone familiar with it?
I'm a sausage and smoker Newbie so it's fun to see so many recipes just on venison sausage....especially with two deer in the freezer!

Mr Walleye

I can't help you out on the book as I haven't had the oportunity to see it. Powedered skim milk can be used as a binder. A lot of the recipes I've seen use up to 1 cup per 5lbs of meat. Congrats on the two deer in the freezer... Lots of great sausage in your future.  ;)


Click On The Smoker For Our Time Tested And Proven Recipes


thanks i will try it so u don't us brines for fish i got it if here so i thoughti would give it a try
thanks the pikeguy
i hope u guys can give me cool ideas on how to smoke diffent thing to smoke