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Salmon question

Started by westexasmoker, December 09, 2008, 03:38:53 PM

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I plan on doing some Kummok salmon this weekend, been stocking up through the summer when it was on sale!  How long do you think for a defrost, 3 vac sealed bags about 5 lbs each I've only done it straight from the store.  And then after the smoke, I'm guessing this Sunday, vac seal for a work party the following Friday  it'll keep in the fridge Ok right?  Thanks!

Its amazing what one can accomplish when one doesn't know what one can't do!


I've got some too... - Question - Do I leave the skin on ?
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Quote from: FLBentRider on December 09, 2008, 05:34:33 PM
I've got some too... - Question - Do I leave the skin on ?

I think skin on FL, thats what I did last time....just never done the frozen to brine to smoker before and vac for a week.  Talking with the boss, shes a thinking start thaw Thursday for a brine on Saturday and a smoke on Sunday.

Its amazing what one can accomplish when one doesn't know what one can't do!


I always do mine with the skin removed. One time I did a small batch with the skin one and it seemed fishier tasting, I cannot say it was because of the skin for sure though. I think Kummock said he now does his skinless also. The small test batch was still good but everyone here preferred it skinless.


I always shed the skin and bones anymore, PLUS any of the brown/grey meat left after skinning. Takes longer prep time but the end product is worth it to me. My neighbor who, like me, is an avowed "King Salmon IS the top of the food pyramid" salmon muncher, has gone back to leaving the skin on and I don't like it as well....still VERY good, but not as good as it once was.

As far as the thawing, WTS, I thaw mine in cool water in the sink while still sealed in the vac bag. Usually takes about 30 minutes to an hour to thaw, then take I it out and whack it up for smoking. If I just want it thawed for later whacking, I make the "paper towel lasagna" and keep it very cold until whacking up and brining.

PM me w/ yer addy if you'd like a pic of the meat after whacking up, just prior to placing in the brine.....


I don't know about Salmon, but when I was a manager of a Fish n' Chip place I learned that if the fish is thawed to quickly then the walls of the cells blow out and the meat is then mushy.

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I take the skin off then lay it on the cedar paper paper I get from Tom Thumb, makes it easy to remove from the smoke basket and makes a beautiful presentation on the plate. The cedar paper imparts a wonderful flavour when using alder smoke. The paper is actually cedar wood cut VERY thin not paper.


WestT, I wanted to ask if your frozen fish is fillets or whole.  Kummock is right on as far as a vac-packed fillet thawing in a pan of cool water in 30 about minutes.  You said your packs are about 5lbs.  This will obviously take longer to thaw.  If the fish are whole they may take several hours to thaw in cool water.  I would think 24 hours in the fridge would thaw a 5 lb pack, - put it in a pan of water if you need to hurry it along.

Kummock's recipe also stresses the need to remove bones before smoking.  IIRC, it helps to have the fillets slightly frozen when you go to pull out the pin bones with needle nose pliers.

Good luck!

US Army, retired, x2
Soldotna Alaska
"One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well."
Psalm 109:8


These are all fillets, I'm thinking to pull from the freezer tonight in lieu of a brine on Saturday and then smoke Sunday?  Good plan?

Its amazing what one can accomplish when one doesn't know what one can't do!


I apologize but I'm not certain of your last question so here goes my answer yielding 100% to Kummok.  Thaw your filets in cool water in the sink while still vac sealed.  Then remove the skin and keep the filets in the frig in the paper towel lasagna form of stacking until time to cut into strips and then into the brine.  I am 100% positive about brining and then allowing plenty of time to let the strips dry to form the pellicle to make the smoke really "stick" to the salmon and finally into the smoker.

If you think brisket smoked with "your" wood is good, wait until you taste the salmon with alder smoke.  You will be a convert instantly.

Took me about 6 times to really get the salmon like I was really proud of but my first 5 "failures" tasted really good.  I have friends who don't like salmon but will absolutely clean a plate of Kummok's smoked salmon.

Have fun and tell us all about it!


KyNola's right on the money, WTS...Get them thawed tonight and PT lasagna'd in the reefer (Hmmmmm, 'PTLR' a new abbreviation?!?!? ;) ), put them in the brine tomorrow (Friday) night, then sometime around noon-4pm Saturday, rack 'em and start them drying...put them in the smoker right before church (if you go on Sundays) and pull them out 3.5 - 4 hours later, after you wake up (depending upon your preacher's teaching skills  ;)


OK pulled the bags out tonight, and noticed that one of the bags has a darker skin, (almost black) compared to the other 2...both bright orange/red, the black skinned is a bit thinner with meat.  Dang give me some cow parts and am good to go, fish I get so weird about...when it comes to smoking for others....but gonna start the thaw and plan on the brine and dry, then smoke on Sunday!  Parties not till Thurs and Fri. So a good smoke and vac we'll be good........right?

Its amazing what one can accomplish when one doesn't know what one can't do!


You'll be fine with that schedule  West texas, watch out for shrinkage after the smoke tho, my salmon mysteriously disappears from the fridge after it's been smoked.


Tsquared has given you good advice.  Once that salmon is out of the smoker and you have vac sealed it, you had better have a darn good hiding place for it or it will mysteriously disappear.  First suspect, a curiously smiling spouse. :D One last piece of advice for you.  Let the salmon cool completely before you vac seal it.  Your salmon will actually be better tasting vac sealed for a few days before the party. 

We want to see the photographic evidence even if you do break down and use ...uh...yikes...can't say it.



Another stupid question.....The few times I've done salmon we've eaten it cold I mention this at work and eyes were rolling around about it being cold I tried to explain brined and smoked but they're wimps, I'm not supposed to heat this back up, am I? (I'm starting to think to heck with them I'll keep it all)  So heated/cold either way?  Whats the consensus?

Its amazing what one can accomplish when one doesn't know what one can't do!