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My Town Makes News again.........and for all the wrong reasons

Started by Smoking Duck, March 12, 2009, 05:09:36 AM

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Smoking Duck

Steeler....she's a keeper!

Who doesn't love lab puppies?

Click here for my blog: La Cosa Smokestra


Very sorry to hear about this SD

A few knew this was gonna happen but were promptly told in so many words to be quiet because freedom of speech is a one way door now days, and itll get worse with you know who in office, especially after 5 executive bills in only five days. Orwellian words only go so far and people are starting to find this out the hard way.

Much as many hate to hear it, but never had massive lines for food consisting of skilled workers when the last president was in office. But pointing this out gets your head chewed off because wishful thinking apparently appeals to others I guess.

Sincerest prayers to you and your family SD.
Go here for all your smoke and grilling needs: http://www.yardandpool.com


Duck Keep your head up and your shoulders back. You will make it. You made it through Boot Camp.
Bacon is the Crack Cocaine of the Food World.

Be careful about calling yourself and EXPERT! An ex is a has-been, and a spurt is a drip under pressure!


Hang in there Duck.

Stargazer: I'm not jumping in on any partisan platform, but would point out that this problem didn't begin in January.  Whatever the cause, the table was set before the new administration took office.  I'm skeptical of the present stimulus plan just as I'm skeptical of the similar bailout implemented during the last administration.  I wish I could come up with a better plan, but it is beyond my limited talent set.

Something has to be done, and like it or not, your new friend has that job.  Let's hope that all assigned the problem solving task are keeping their ears open to all reasonable proposals, whether they come dressed in red or dressed in blue. 


You and I have spoken many times.  I know you're a strong guy who simply is a victim of the times and your surroundings.  You are absolutely doing all you can do.

As for the the other conversation here, I am sooo staying out of that one.

Peace and prayers for comfort and better times.


Quote from: KyNola on March 12, 2009, 10:04:27 AM
You and I have spoken many times.  I know you're a strong guy who simply is a victim of the times and your surroundings.  You are absolutely doing all you can do.

As for the the other conversation here, I am sooo staying out of that one.

Peace and prayers for comfort and better times.

Hey Marc, you know how I feel about the present situation so I'm not going to post it here. I agree with Ky with all he said. I would love to comment but I won't.
"The universe is a big place
probably the biggest"

Smoking Duck

I have to agree with Consigs.

I didn't post this as a way to point blame; just as a way to show how things are hitting at home.  Quite frankly, I'm really tired of the blame game.  The problem as I see it is not who is to fault as I'm sure there are many fingers that can be pointed in many directions.  The problem is we don't have anybody that can lead us out of this without having a political slant.

What we need in this country is not another democrat or another republican.  I do not identify myself as a reublican american or a democrat american.  I am an American......period.  What we need in this country are leaders!  Not politicians or people identifying themselves as liberal or conservative.  Quite frankly, I couldn't care less about the way a person leans.  There should be no good liberal or conservative ideas, just ideas.  This country is hurting and we still live in a world where more people are concerned with blame than with the fix.  Sorry, Stargazer, this problem has been given birth by those on both sides of the aisle.  But, I tell you this......when a true leader stands up in this country and decides that enough is enough and cleans house of this entire mess we live in now, I will follow that leader to the end.  Unfortunately, the chances of that occurring in the atmosphere that now permeates our government makes that a near impossibility.

You can choose to live your life playing the blame game if you want, but that never solves anything.  I'd rather spend the energy trying to fix it.  Leave the blame game to the historians......there are too many families that are hurting in the here and now.

Yes, KY, Consigs, 10.5 and Star, times are tough.  My family and I, as well as countless others here in this area, will continue to survive because the will to survive is stronger than anything else.  But, we also need to stand up and say that what is going on can and needs to be fixed.  None of these families that received the food handouts care who is in office right now or three years ago.  They only care about putting food on the plates for their children and putting a roof above their heads and clothes on their backs.  I stand with my back against the wall, within days or weeks of losing my house, but the one thing I will not do is play the blame game.  Stuff happens in every administration.  The constitution of a person is determined by how they handle those situations.

I apologize to the rest of the forum for even posting this originally.  My intent was not to make this a political thread.  Just more of an informative thread.  I see I failed miserably.

Steeler....she's a keeper!

Who doesn't love lab puppies?

Click here for my blog: La Cosa Smokestra


We know what and where you was coming from Duck. You didn't fail.
Bacon is the Crack Cocaine of the Food World.

Be careful about calling yourself and EXPERT! An ex is a has-been, and a spurt is a drip under pressure!


Oops.  My comments were meant in the spirit expressed more fully (and better) by Mr. Duck.  If anyone took my message to waive either a red or blue flag, I apologize.  I meant a neutral comment and not something inflammatory.   :-X

My point was that we need a fix, which requires identification of the underlying economic causes, rather than a person(s) to blame.  If my point seemed partisan, politically, that wasn't my intent.  And for the next 4 years, whether a blessing or a curse, the problem solving buck stops with the present occupant of the oval office. 

While I can be prone to a rant on a number of topics (particularly why California wine is the best  ;D), I wouldn't want a political debate here.  I like our friendly, food based community and wouldn't intentionally throw anything undesirable into our punchbowl. 

Looking forward to the day when we can say thank goodness that's all over. 



Smoking Duck

I wasn't trying to point the finger at anyone Sigs.  I guess I was trying more than anything to point a spotlight on the problem.  It's one thing to hear this news on your local television show when you don't live in that community.  It's another thing when you live in that community or are touched by a person who lives in that community.  That really puts a personal face to the problem.  The sad part is that I'm one of the ones that aren't counted in the 20% unemployment rate.  I finally decided to apply for unemployment compensation and because I worked for three days at the local newspaper (it was 4 hours per day and I had to stop working because they changed the hours and what they paid me wouldn't provide for daycare, let alone cover the gas to get back and forth from work), they denied me my benefits.  So, if it's happened to me, it's happened to others.  The problem is one that should be shared by those on both sides of the aisle and most importantly, the solution needs to come from both sides of the aisle.

I apologize if it seems I was singling anyone out.....that was not my intent, either.  Man, I must be having a really rough day  :-[

Steeler....she's a keeper!

Who doesn't love lab puppies?

Click here for my blog: La Cosa Smokestra


Quote from: Smoking Duck on March 12, 2009, 11:37:55 AM
I wasn't trying to point the finger at anyone Sigs.  I guess I was trying more than anything to point a spotlight on the problem.  It's one thing to hear this news on your local television show when you don't live in that community.  It's another thing when you live in that community or are touched by a person who lives in that community.  That really puts a personal face to the problem.  The sad part is that I'm one of the ones that aren't counted in the 20% unemployment rate.  I finally decided to apply for unemployment compensation and because I worked for three days at the local newspaper (it was 4 hours per day and I had to stop working because they changed the hours and what they paid me wouldn't provide for daycare, let alone cover the gas to get back and forth from work), they denied me my benefits.  So, if it's happened to me, it's happened to others.  The problem is one that should be shared by those on both sides of the aisle and most importantly, the solution needs to come from both sides of the aisle.

I apologize if it seems I was singling anyone out.....that was not my intent, either.  Man, I must be having a really rough day  :-[

Thanks for the sentiment Duck; I didn't think you were singling anybody out.  I like your comments regarding the problem/solution and find them to be spot on.  I'm sorry that you're embroiled in all this economic mess and wish there was something meaningful that I could do. 

I posted again because after reading subsequent stuff it occurred to me that I may have unintentionally offended some, or thrown down a gauntlet.  I wanted to stem any adverse effects if I could. Looking forward to some Peroni (my treat) during golf if the opportunity ever presents itself. 

Take care


Tiny Tim

Chin up, Duck.  Dad and I are right there with you scratching and clawing to keep from getting buried.


My prayers are with you guys up there in NoIN.  My wife is from Nappanee and has many friends that have been hit hard by this recession.  Throw that on top of the recent tornado and things have gone from bad to worse.  

We'll have to get together sometime when I'm back in the area.


Smoking Duck

Ahhhhh, Peroni and a round of golf sound great right about now  ;D

The door's open to anyone, bigfella, providing I still have a door to open up  :D  ANy time you're back in these neck of the woods, feel free to stop on by.  I'd be happy to throw something in the smoker or on the grill.


Steeler....she's a keeper!

Who doesn't love lab puppies?

Click here for my blog: La Cosa Smokestra


SD, I am the one who should apologize to you.

Please give me a moment to explain. Had a bad day with a neighbor who runs their mouth, kind of touchy subjects when you go out of your way to mind your own business yet they make it a point to keep coming up to make sure you hear them out. I came here and when I posted that I was referring to this neighbor of mine.

Later thinking about it, I seen how my post really looked like I was aiming toward you or another on this forum, and I wasn't at all.

In all sincerity your one heck of a good member here who always goes out of his way to help others, even in the smallest of detail, and also one who tries to bring good light hearted humor to bring a smile to everyone's face.

Me and my father have been seeing your area in the news, combined with your natural good nature just angers me this is happening to you and your friends you live by because it is not deserved.

I do mean this SD, I do hope you kindly forgive how I presented what I said to give the appearance that I was pointing a finger at you or anyone on the forum here.

You got nothing to apologize about at all. I do for ranting on like I normally do though.
Go here for all your smoke and grilling needs: http://www.yardandpool.com