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New Guys Need a Glossary!

Started by sheltie, March 27, 2009, 06:20:40 AM

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For new guys like me, we need a glossary somewhere that will explain words and terms that are used on this forum.  My most recent example is ABT.  I did a search and couldn't find an answer.  Based on a picture I saw, it looks like a small sausage wrapped in bacon but I still have no idea what it stands for.


Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth.

CLICK HERE for Recipe Site:  http://www.susanminor.org/


I'll start it

Atomic Buffalo Turd - Basically the Smoker's version of the Jalapeno Popper, which is a version of the Chiles Rellenos.  Popper and Chiles Rellenos are breaded and deep-fried.  A Buffalo Turd is a cream cheese stuffed, bacon wrapped jalapeno pepper smoked until done.  Originally an Atomic Buffalo Turd is a Buffalo Turd that has had some cayenne pepper added to the cream cheese.  Lots of variation in the recipes including stuffing the pepper with c*cktail wienies, shrimp, crab dip, different cheeses, etc... and a variety of 'rubs" sprinkled on.  The variations are almost endless and are not always wrapped in bacon.  Use your imagination.   To be a real rebel, make Atomic Dragon Turds - those are made with habaneras in lieu of jalapenos

Armadillo Eggs
Some people call these popper or ABT's - they are not!  They are jalapenos stuffed with cheese, then the jalapeno has bulk sausage encasing it and shaped roughly like an egg - then smoked till done.  Again lots of variations with the type of pepper, the type of cheese or stuffing and in the encasing sausage.  One I want to try is to use a sausage ball recipe for the outside.   I have also seen them battered and deep fried.

Heaven sent food for discriminating mortals!  Barbecue, barbeque, barbq, 'cue, 'Q, the opposite (see Grilling) of "hot and fast", the act of "low and slow", the result of "low and slow".  Universally accepted as the Finest Food in the World – well at least on this forum!  Primal cuts of meat (beef, pork, lamb, goat, etc...(purposefully listed in order of greatness)) cooked in/on a variety of contraptions, at a low temperature (200-250 deg.), while being kissed and caressed by thin blue, sublimely wonderful and flavorful smoke, eventually intertwining with its savory tendrils of luscious mouthwatering deliciousness into oneness, the result of this marriage rendered as succulent, moist, meltingly tender morsels of eating heaven.   Often used as an excuse (as if one is needed) to consume adult beverages.  Consumption has been noted during planning stages, prepping stages, pre-heating stages, cooking stages, mopping stages, foiling stages, temperature taking stages, during peeking, during rack rotation, during refueling, during taste testing, during slicing, during BBQ consumption and even after consumption as an aid to digestion! 

Bradley Smoker  The original Bradley Smoker.  Abbreviation more commonly used prior to when the digital models were introduced.  See OBS

Bradley Stainless Steel Smoker   The original Bradley Stainless Steel Smoker.  Abbreviation more commonly used prior to the digital models were introduced.

By The Way

Short for Chuck Roast.  An endearing cut of meat from the shoulder of a beef carcass.  If it were not for the fact that the brisket holds the title, the chuck roast would be called "The Finest Food Known to Man".  Inexpensive, but extremely flavorful and adaptive and by virtue of these muscle groups getting a lot of exercise while on the hoof, it is well suited to moist cooking such as braising.  Many a Sunday pot roast has been put on the table by Mom's ( I Moms) in checkered aprons – comfort food at it's best!!  BUT when trying to convert them to smoked foods chuck roasts are probably the most stubborn cut of meat yet encountered.  They look so servile, so tender, but don't be fooled - they take a long time to cook.  Some chuckies just lie there and take what you give them, smile and behave like they should and give up their goodness.  Others look you straight in the eyes and laugh at you daring you to get them tender before they dry out.  When you take up the challenge, they get downright cantankerous, somehow increasing in toughness until, beaten down to your knees, you bring out the bright shiny stuff and foil them in a last ditch attempt for tenderness, all the while taunting you with a faint beefy "I told you so" in the background emanating from the foil package you just stuck in your oven!

Cabinet Temperature.  This is the temperature within the cabinet.  You can get this off the dial thermometer on the front of the Original Bradley, or off the digital readout of the Digital Bradley.  However, those probes might not be located where you need a critical temperature.  If so, then you have to have either an oven thermometer to set on the rack you want or a remote reading thermometer.  The oven thermometer will require you to open the door - thereby releasing all that wonderful hard earned heat to the atmosphere - causing global warming1  That is when the remote reading thermometer comes to the rescue.  Run the probe and wire through the vent and hang the probe at the level you want the temperature to be taking.  Don't just leave it laying on the racks; it will then be measuring the temperature of the metal rack.  You can poke the probe through a half of a potato and then set the potato on the rack with the end of the probe sticking out. 

Or YM - Cheap Yellow Mustard or Yellow Mustard.  You slather the mustard (you slather in the South – not spread – that's unladylike) thinly on your meat...err....cut of meat prior to sprinkling your rub on.  It helps on keeping the rub on during cooking and helps develop a more pronounced bark.  Surprisingly after hours of slow cooking, the mustard taste is non-existant.  It gives its all for good barbecue for you!

Continued below
"A man that won't sleep with his meat don't care about his barbecue" Caneyscud

"If we're not supposed to eat animals, how come they're made out of meat?"

Ka Honu

Great start, Caney.  Probably should add FTC and ask the powers that be to make it a separate topic under Miscellaneous Discussions on the home page with maybe a subsection for "Nepas-specific" terms like MIL (Mission in Life).


Don't forget the "Shroom Bombs" - something tasty stuffed inside a medium-size mushroom cap, wrapped in bacon and roasted on a grill or in TBE.  I believe Ka Honu gets the honors for introducing us all to this!
Happy Grilling!



Digital Bradley Smoker    If a 4 is at the end (as in DBS4) then it is a 4-rack unit, if a 6 then a 6 rack unit.  If any other number is behind it, then that must be treated carefully and the poster checked on as that is one of the lingering sideeffects of the Tea Bag "treatment"!  

Digital 4 Rack unit

Digital 6 rack unit

Dino Bones
Beef ribs

Not a cousin to the EMU, but Rachaelspeak for Extra Virgin Olive Oil.  Term coined by Rachael Ray on her Food Network Show- Everyday with Rachael Ray.  This along with other cutesy Rachaelism's such as :  "two turns of the pan", "good to go", "delish", and the ever so cute, "yum-o" went a long way in getting her new talk show gig (couldn't be talent or recipes).  Or maybe it's because she now wears shirts whose front go down to her navel giving the TV audience a view of her ummm.....assets.

What I was called when enrolled in Kate S. Schenck Elementary School! :'( In a fatty's simplest form it is a good quality of breakfast sausage in a roll.  You simply take off the plastic covering sprinkle some rub on it and smoke it until done.  In a more elaborate form, the roll is patted into a flat rectangle of 1/4" to 1/2" thick and stuffed with something (use your imagination, but usually cheese, onion, chilies, bacon, eggs!!!......) and rolled back up and sealed before cooking till done.  In it's most exquisite form there is the "Bacon Explosion"  where Italian Sausage is stuffed with fried bacon and some BBQ sauce, rolled up and encased in a weave of bacon with some rub sprinkled on and then put in a smoker and smoked till done.  Fatties have been successfully done with beef breakfast sausage, turkey sausage, Italian sausage, ground beef, chorizo and homemade sausage including venison.  Fatty Ronello - stuff a short link of Mexican chorizo with a strip of sharp cheddar, take strips of poblano pepper and surround the chorizo, then wrap that with breakfast sausage and smoke until done.  Bacon Implosion - instead of sausage use ground bacon.

RE: to Fatty, but this is a special fatty – a literal PARTY in your mouth.  Envision Decadence and Bacchalian!  Take your normal fatty, seduce it, kick it up, stuff it, glaze it, bam it, put it over the top, unleash your right brain – in other words, if your Cardiologist faints at the sight of your fatty – that's the quintessential FATTYPALOOSA!! 

Variously called chicken fingers, bacon tenders or cloink fingers.  Simply wrap a chicken tender or strip of chicken breast in bacon, sprinkle rub put on smoker smoke till done, adding a BBQ sauce glaze in the last few minutes.

Stands for Foil, Towel, Cooler.  After your smoked item comes up to the desired IT take it out of the smoker, wrap in aluminum foil sealing the ends and joints very well, wrap that in some old towels and then place in a normal insulated cooler.  Let sit for 1 hour to 4 hours or longer.  The meat just sits there all cozy, warm and comfortable trying to please you by getting all tender-like and staying juicy.  Of course you can do somewhat the same thing by foiling and putting it back into the oven or smoker while it is cooling down.  FTC keeps the product hot and allows flexibility in serving times. Most plan to get the food done early, then use FTC to hold the product until serving time. This method also acts as a passive oven, allowing the meat to cool slowly and evenly, while continuing the break down of connective tissue/collagen.

Opposite of "low and slow".  "Hot and fast" cooking (usually over 300 deg) on a variety of contraptions.  A distant second on the list of preferred techniques of cooking meat – barbecue being number one – DUH!.  There are actually a few cuts that are better on the grill – steaks and hamburgers being two. 

In My Opinion.  See below

In My Humble Opinion.  See below

One that fits me to the "T"  In My Not So Humble Opinion!  No comments from the crowd allowed!

Indian Candy
Also called salmon candy or salmon jerky.  Brine 1/2" strips of salmon, coat with brown sugar/water, honey/water mixture, or maple syrup/brown sugar mixture and smoke until done. 

Internal Temperature.  This is the internal temperature of the meat at the thickest part.  The temperature should not be taken right next to a bone.  Several ways to get this temperature.  You can use a dial cooking thermometer or one of those temperature taking forks.  However, those take a while to register the correct temperature and while you are taking the temperature, the door is open and all the heat is spilling out onto your feet.  All that opening of the door, does nothing but prolong your smoke costing you time and $$$.  You are forgiven if you open the door several times the first smoke, and a few times on the second smoke, but after that there are no free passes!  The best way to check the IT is to insert the probe from a remote reading thermometer (like the popular dual-probe Maverick ET-73), run the plug end of the probe out the top vent and position the thermometer on the top of the smoker.  That way you don't have to open the door to get the temperature.  If you open the door now, after your second smoke) this big hand comes outta the sky and slaps your hand and slams the door shut.  Another popular way to take a temp is to use one of the instant reading (thermocouple) Thermapens.  You still have to open the door but you get the temperature within seconds.

Continued below.
"A man that won't sleep with his meat don't care about his barbecue" Caneyscud

"If we're not supposed to eat animals, how come they're made out of meat?"


OK - Here is what is located on the Receipe Site that my link above provided.  I simply went there and copied since obviously the link I posted does not work for some.   ???  It is only a start.

Bradley Smoker FAQ's - Answers
Submitted by: FLBentRider & West Coast Kansan

Q. What do all these acronyms mean?

A. When reading posts on this board or on the Bradley Smoker Forum, you will come across several acronyms that you may be unfamiliar with. Here is a list of the more common ones that you will find on the two boards.
ABT - Atomic Buffalo Turd; stuffed jalapenos wrapped in bacon.

BBQ - Barbecue
Foods cooked low and slow, and often smoked; not to be confused with grilling.
BS - Bradley Smoker
The original Bradley Smoker. More commonly used prior to the digital models were manufactured.
BSS - Bradley Stainless Steel Smoker
The original Bradley Stainless Steel Smoker. More commonly used prior to the digital models were manufactured.
BTW - By The Way

CYM or YM - Cheap Yellow Mustard or Yellow Mustard

DBS - Digital Bradley Smoker

D4R - Digital 4 Rack unit

D6R - Digital 6 rack unit

EVOO - Extra Virgin Olive Oil

FTC - Foil Towel Cooler
A resting / staging method of wrapping the product in Foil, then and old Towel, and place in a warmed Cooler (no ice). This keeps the product hot and allows flexibility in serving times. Most plan to get the food done early, then use FTC to hold the product until serving time. This method also acts as a passive oven, allowing the meat to cool slowly and evenly, while continuing the break down of connective tissue/collagen.
IMHO - In My Humble Opinion

IMO - In My Opinion

IT - Internal Temperature (of meat)
The desired "doneness", measured at the thickness area of the meat using a meat thermometer.
OBS - Original Bradley Smoker (non digital)
More commonly used after the digital models were manufactured.
OSS - Original Stainless Steel smoker
More commonly used after the digital models were manufactured.
OT - Oven Temperature (temperature of the oven / tower/cabinet, not meat)

PID -Proportional, Integral, Derivative
An electrical temperature control devise used to provide tighter temperature regulation of the smoker - a popular add-on to OBS and DBS.
PR or PRIB - Prime Rib

Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth.

CLICK HERE for Recipe Site:  http://www.susanminor.org/

La Quinta

Caney...very funny...let's not scare the lad right out of the box...he is a newbie...is California really called the Canyon State and I didn't know it???  ???

It was very funny....well done....made me laugh out loud!!  :D


 ;D ;D Caneyscud  ;D ;D

Not laughing at you LQ  ::)  ;D


Quote from: La Quinta on March 27, 2009, 06:02:44 PM
Caney...very funny...let's not scare the lad right out of the box...he is a newbie...is California really called the Canyon State and I didn't know it???  ???

It was very funny....well done....made me laugh out loud!!  :D

Thank you, I haven't been called a lad in 60 years!

Also, thank you all (or all y'all as we say here in central Texas) for your responses.  It took me a while to wipe the tears from my cheeks from all the laughing.


Quote from: La Quinta on March 27, 2009, 06:02:44 PM
Caney...very funny...let's not scare the lad right out of the box...he is a newbie...is California really called the Canyon State and I didn't know it???  ???

It was very funny....well done....made me laugh out loud!!  :D

LQ, For some reason I have in my mind you were in Arizona.  I will correct that immediately!!!!

The Bard of Hot Aire
Pontificator Extraordinaire'
"A man that won't sleep with his meat don't care about his barbecue" Caneyscud

"If we're not supposed to eat animals, how come they're made out of meat?"



Did not realize you were from God's Country!  My Blood runs Maroon (if you know what I mean).  Born San Antonion, moved to Seguin, lived in College Station for 4 years, and Dallas for 3 months.  My family helped found Bandera, and a couple of my kinfolk decided to leave Goliad, or was it Gonzales, in 1836 and go to San Antonio de Bexar, to help out Crockett, Bowie, Travis, but did not return.  Not too far from you, I had my most memorable fishing trip as a lad.  Sometime around 40 years ago, my dad and I were fishing Inks Lake when we noticed some surface commotion.  We motored over - caught some white bass.  Did that 2 or 3 more times and than in another jump we caught largemouth.  Only time that I have found largemouth in jumps.  That was a blast going from jump to jump, each of us catching probably a hundred bass of some type or another for the day.  At the end of the day, at the dock saw some very large carp on the bottom.  Texas Parks and Wildlife Magazine had just printed a recipe for doughballs for carp and I had made some and brought them.  Put a doughball on my light spinning rod that I had been using and sunk it.  One of those monster took it and we had a short fight before he broke me off on the piers.  Did that at least 4 more times before we had to leave.  Those things were monsters - 20+ lbs. 

The Bard of Hot Aire
Pontificator Extraordinaire'
"A man that won't sleep with his meat don't care about his barbecue" Caneyscud

"If we're not supposed to eat animals, how come they're made out of meat?"


Quote from: Caneyscud on March 28, 2009, 12:49:02 PM

Did not realize you were from God's Country!  My Blood runs Maroon (if you know what I mean).  Born San Antonion, moved to Seguin, lived in College Station for 4 years, and Dallas for 3 months.  My family helped found Bandera, and a couple of my kinfolk decided to leave Goliad, or was it Gonzales, in 1836 and go to San Antonio de Bexar, to help out Crockett, Bowie, Travis, but did not return.  Not too far from you, I had my most memorable fishing trip as a lad.  Sometime around 40 years ago, my dad and I were fishing Inks Lake when we noticed some surface commotion.  We motored over - caught some white bass.  Did that 2 or 3 more times and than in another jump we caught largemouth.  Only time that I have found largemouth in jumps.  That was a blast going from jump to jump, each of us catching probably a hundred bass of some type or another for the day.  At the end of the day, at the dock saw some very large carp on the bottom.  Texas Parks and Wildlife Magazine had just printed a recipe for doughballs for carp and I had made some and brought them.  Put a doughball on my light spinning rod that I had been using and sunk it.  One of those monster took it and we had a short fight before he broke me off on the piers.  Did that at least 4 more times before we had to leave.  Those things were monsters - 20+ lbs. 

The Bard of Hot Aire
Pontificator Extraordinaire'

I have very few Aggie friends (I live in Longhorn territory) so it's nice to add another!  The last time I got into a mess of sandies, I almost got sick of fishing, we caught so many.  I got over it, though, after we started eating them.

La Quinta

Glad to have ya here sheltie....

You really didn't have to fix that Caney...dang you guys are scared of the tea bag aren't ya!!!  ;D heh...heh...heh.... :D

Smokin Soon

LQ, It's all about training. DO NOT CROSS THE LINE!