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Iron Chef Ingredients and Smack Talk Thread

Started by Tenpoint5, April 18, 2009, 06:24:04 AM

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La Quinta

IKW...ya know what...it's all about imagination in cooking...think...try...make....heck...if your wife doesn't like raisins...substitute dried cranberry, blueberry, apricots (they love pork)....just think about it...it's actually quite fun!!!  ;D Heck just cut a pine nut in half...or don't...just imagine....the possibilities are endless!!! Look at the diversity here on this site....?  ;D Priceless without a Mastercard around!!!  :D


Quote from: La Quinta on May 03, 2009, 07:38:00 PM
IKW...ya know what...it's all about imagination in cooking...think...try...make....heck...if your wife doesn't like raisins...substitute dried cranberry, blueberry, apricots (they love pork)....just think about it...it's actually quite fun!!!  ;D Heck just cut a pine nut in half...or don't...just imagine....the possibilities are endless!!! Look at the diversity here on this site....?  ;D Priceless without a Mastercard around!!!  :D
Exactly!!! I used golden raisins in my Chutney and you couldn't even tell they where in there. Might be a way to hide them from the wife. The old saying out of sight out of mind thing.
Bacon is the Crack Cocaine of the Food World.

Be careful about calling yourself and EXPERT! An ex is a has-been, and a spurt is a drip under pressure!



Don't wait till the last weekend to get your entry done.  Last weekend all blocked up and so was this one, but since my softball games this week were early, I'd get'r dun Sunday evening.  Well turned out everything for the weekend was canceled, including Bradley smoking.  Rained all weekend - not off and on, but all weekend.  And I don't have a covered place to use the Bradley.  Used a blowtorch to get the Bandera going to do some fajitas for the family and thought about cheating, but thought twice - you can't pull anything over on the teabags!!!   

The Bard of Hot Aire
Pontificator Extraordinaire'
"A man that won't sleep with his meat don't care about his barbecue" Caneyscud

"If we're not supposed to eat animals, how come they're made out of meat?"


WOWSERS everything looks great

Oh hell i guess i will have to get in on the next one  ;D



The Voting Poll is open. Cast your vote. Winner will be the one with the most votes on Friday Morning May 8th. The winner will receive a Bradley Smoker Bar Towel and a 120 box of Bisquettes in a flavor of their choice.GOOD LUCK TO THE 9 WHO ENTERED!!!!

Bacon is the Crack Cocaine of the Food World.

Be careful about calling yourself and EXPERT! An ex is a has-been, and a spurt is a drip under pressure!

Up In Smoke

i had an entry, and in an effort to be a smarty britches and wait till the last minute (not that i had anything special)
just to be funny,
we had more tornado's and my power went out so i missed the deadline.
i am in on the next one for sure. no more tom foolery.
here is a pic finished....no specifics.

2 Bradley OBS
Some people are like Slinkies... They're really good for nothing.
...But they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs.


I to had a entry, since I have never posted pictures I didn't get it in. It was the winning one to ;D. Stuffed porkloin with cornbread & pinenut stuffing, covered with a raisins sauce. It was good. By the time Iron chef II comes around I will be in.


I agree with everyone here in that this was just plain old fun!  Lots of ingenuity too!  And we need to do this again sometime!  I want to post recipes just to get feedback from everyone!
Deb, I thought about adding a yogurt/dill sauce on top of the pita before I dished it up, but then laziness - and a HIGH MAINTENANCE Doberman puppy got the best of me.  :)
Glad to hear that someone else out there - your son - is a hummus fan.  I love to take that to work just to watch the grimaces appear once my coworkers have been told what it is.
Pity for them;  I think it is seriously good stuff!
Give Saffron a hug for me!


LQ, don't you be taking that sass talk from 10.5 about your entree!  I think it looks awesome, along with the other dishes - excluding my oh-so-plain pita.


Quote from: seemore on May 04, 2009, 06:18:43 PM
I agree with everyone here in that this was just plain old fun!  Lots of ingenuity too!  And we need to do this again sometime!  I want to post recipes just to get feedback from everyone!
Deb, I thought about adding a yogurt/dill sauce on top of the pita before I dished it up, but then laziness - and a HIGH MAINTENANCE Doberman puppy got the best of me.  :)
Glad to hear that someone else out there - your son - is a hummus fan.  I love to take that to work just to watch the grimaces appear once my coworkers have been told what it is.
Pity for them;  I think it is seriously good stuff!
Give Saffron a hug for me!

I forgot how high maintenance puppies are  ;D , it's one of those things you block out of your mind...    I was lucky & my parents were here when I did my entry so my mom entertained Saffron for me :)   

I will give Saffron a hug from you, give Tasha one from us. 

La Quinta

Ya know what seemore....I can take sass....no biggie....hubby and neighbors loved the burgers! I'm good with that. It was fun...and I'm gonna make your pita!!!  :)


Coulda, woulda, shoulda,

In the face of the nine day and continuing rain (well not really, it stopped for about 4 hours yesterday), I just have to chime in with my ideas about what the winning recipe would have been.

Around Nashville, pulled pork served on top of a cornbread flatcake is popular so I was going with a New World Order Pork on Cornbread

Make a barbecue sauce utilizing bourbon and ground raisins.

Core a tenderloin and stuff with string cheese - smoke normally finishing off with the bourbon/raisin bbq sauce.

Make a polenta with goat cheese and pine nuts.  Let set up in a loaf pan.  Slice into a thick slice and crisp up in a fry pan.

Put the polenta slice on the plate, slice up tenderloin and arrange nicely on top of the polenta.  Drizzle some of the sauce on top of the pork. 

Serve with a savory pesto cheesecake (with pine nut bottom crust) and some creamy cole slaw on the side.

The Bard of Hot Aire
Pontificator Extraordinaire. 
"A man that won't sleep with his meat don't care about his barbecue" Caneyscud

"If we're not supposed to eat animals, how come they're made out of meat?"


Did anyone else happen to notice the one NON ingredient That everyone seemed to be using in their dishes?

Asparagus just about everyone had it.
Bacon is the Crack Cocaine of the Food World.

Be careful about calling yourself and EXPERT! An ex is a has-been, and a spurt is a drip under pressure!


It is springtime isn't it?  Wet though it may be!

I read somewhere that asparagus promotes the formation of certain kidney stones.  Those ain't NO fun.  So's I don't eat them much anymore.  In looking at it one way, the Iron Chef competitors are a sadistic bunch, especially the ones who wrap the Potential Pain in bacon!   ;D ;D

The Bard of Hot Aire
Pontificator Extraordinaire'
"A man that won't sleep with his meat don't care about his barbecue" Caneyscud

"If we're not supposed to eat animals, how come they're made out of meat?"


You're right.  I did notice an abundance of asparagus being used.

CS, your recipe sounds great.  Next round of Bradley Iron Chef, make sure you have plenty of time to submit an entry.
