Need ideas

Started by Fireguy06, September 29, 2014, 07:38:53 PM

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I am gunna be doing two pork butts this weekend for my boys baptism got one rub picked out for one butt but need a good idea for the second one.  So any ideas would be great a quality spicy rub would be great.  Plus wondering if anyone has done baked beans under there butts if so how did u do it and what was your recipe having trouble finding something I want to try.  Please help ASAP
Aubers single probe PID
Gas grill
Weber kettle grill
Traeger pellet grill

meyer lemon

Jan's Rub is the go to favorite.  It will never disappoint.



I use Jan's Rub as my pulled pork rub, also.

You can find the recipe at  Our Time Tested and Proven Recipes.


I just spent $12 K on this Honda Accord! Why can't it tow my boat?!?


Salt Lick!  (clone)

1 part Kosher Salt
1 part Black Pepper
1/3rd part Garlic Powder
1/3rd part Cayenne Pepper

Mix well. (keep it out of your eyes - don't ask me how I know that  :o)


Oinker Rub is a good one.
Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth.

CLICK HERE for Recipe Site:


I like "Hero To Zero" rub

it's easy and it comes out awesome


Thanks for the ideas so has anyone done baked beans in the smoker under there pork butts
Aubers single probe PID
Gas grill
Weber kettle grill
Traeger pellet grill


I like to walk threw life on the path of least resistance. But sometimes the path needs a good kick in the ass.

One Big Easy, plus one in a box.


Here are the direct links for the two versions of Jan's Rub, if you want to try them:

Jan's Dry Rub

Jan's Spicy Dry Rub


Well I ended up using mr browns rub and Jeff's rub also injected with cajin injector hot and spicy butter the two butts have been in the smoker since 6:30pm Friday night temp of both butts are right at 185 looking to hit 195 so getting close baked beans I just got three cans of bushs beans and put in a big pan and put in with 40 min of smoke to go under both butts so getting that good pork drippings in the beans I will take pics when done
Aubers single probe PID
Gas grill
Weber kettle grill
Traeger pellet grill


I like to walk threw life on the path of least resistance. But sometimes the path needs a good kick in the ass.

One Big Easy, plus one in a box.