Smoking a Butt for Sunday on Saturday

Started by johnk5555, February 03, 2012, 02:15:09 PM

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Just wondering if I smoke a pork butt tomorrow for Sunday could I fridge it or keep it FTR'ed and store for Sunday? Will I lose any flavor? Would I just reheat in oven? If I do that I was thinking of pulling it, putting on a cookie tray and broiling. Pretty much the same way I do Carnitas. It makes the meat a little crispy on the edges?

Also was thinking about doing Hickory and Apple.

Thoughts or advice on both of the above?

Bradley Original Smoker (4-rack)


I usually smoke a day or two ahead. After I am done, I FTC for a few hours, pull and then put in the fridge if I am going to use it soon or vac seal and freeze. to reheat I usually put in a crock pot or in the oven in a covered roast pan with a little beef broth in it.
"It ain't worth missing someone from your past- there is a reason they didn't make it to your future."

"Life is tough, it is even tougher when you are stupid"

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I would smoke it on Sat. and FT(foil,towel,cooler) it for around 3 hours after IT hit 195. Depending on your ambient temp and how much it weighs will depend on how long in the smoker. Here are some that I have done;
Nov. 27 2009 put mustard rub on pork butt. 12lbs. Then applied 1/2 dry rub.Put in plastic bag
then in frig for 24 hours. Took out and spread rest of rub on and put in smoker. Outside temp
45. Used apple smoke.

Mustard sauce;
1 12 oz can flat beer
4 cups yellow mustard
1 tbsp tabasco
1/2 cup brown sugar
1 tsp sea salt
1 tsp black pepper

Butt rub;
1/2 cup Black pepper
1/2 cup Paprika
1/2 cup brown sugar
4 tbsp. Kosher salt
4 tsp. dry mustard(ground mustard is the same)
1 tsp cayenne pepper

Took butt out of frig and let get to room temp for 90 minutes before going in smoker.
preheated smoker to 260 then turned down to 220 when butt goes in. Smoked four hours
using apple. After smoke stops empty water pan and wood and fill water pan with water
and 2 cup of apple juice. Cook until internal temp gets to 195.Turn butts on racks.
Took about 15 hours.Then FTC for 2 hours. It was excellent.

Feb 6 2010. Outside temp is 30. Smoked 3 pork butts. Put mustard sauce on and then rub and
into frig overnight. Took out of frig and let get to room temp. Preheated smoker to 260
then turned down to 225 and smoked using apple for 4 hours. Had to turn smoker up to 300
so it would get close to 200. After smoke was done I emptied water pan and filled with hot
water and 2 cups of apple juice. Cooked until internal temp of 192, took 20 hours.
Turn butts on rack and moved racks. Took out and FTC for 2 hours. Excellent.

Like I said, depends on how big and what temp outside is also some butts just get done sooner than others.


Thanks guys. The butt is between 8-9lbs. I am in San Diego so temp is pretty consistent. Last time I did a butt this size it was about 14hrs  (220deg-225deg) and FTCed for about 4.hrs.

Gonig to try the mustard with the rub on top this time!

I will do it on Saturday and then crock pot it.


According to Pachanga( member on here) he says the mustard helps break down the fat in the meat.
Makes for a more tender meat.