New to brisket

Started by Greenhead, January 31, 2012, 03:12:41 AM

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I picked up a whole packer brisket that is in my fridge wet aging.  Gonna give it the rub down trim the fat and pack it back in the fridge for a night.  I believe its about 12lbs.  My question is how much and what type of smoke?  What temp do I need to set the smoker?  What do I want the internal temp to be before I remove to FTC?  What part do I insert the probe?  Thanks guys!  Also can anyone recomend a good rub and sauce for beef and pork that I can buy over the net?  Looking for a somewhat bold sauce with a little zing.

Ka Honu

Read the tutorials from West Texas Smoker and Pachanga here to answer your brisket questions.



yo KY,

Would you recommend any of their other spices??
I may just try some of that brisket rub. Have you used it on anything other than brisket?

Either Way....I'm Smoke'N It


I have Zach's Brisket, Hickory and Sweet Rubs, thanks to Sonny.  In my opinion they are all excellent.  Because I have all 3 Rubs I have only used the Brisket Rub on brisket.  I like the Hickory Rub on poultry and I also like the Sweet Rub on ribs along with just a little sprinkling of heat.

Can't go wrong with Zach's in my opinion.

Ka Honu

Salt, pepper, garlic.  Just like tri-tip.


Thanks KyNola!  I may just have to order some.

QuoteMy question is how much and what type of smoke?  What temp do I need to set the smoker?  What do I want the internal temp to be before I remove to FTC?  What part do I insert the probe?

Gh, Sorry to hj your thread.

so In answer to your question:  I use hickory(almost all the time) maybe 4-5hrs
                                                I usually go with 225F
                                                depends on the brisket, could be anywhere from 190F-210F(your probe should slide in to the meat like it's soft butter)
                                                I usually stick mine in the flat
Either Way....I'm Smoke'N It


While wet aging I guess my beer fridge is colder than I thought.  My brisket is now froze.  Is it OK to turn the temp up so it can age?  Or leave it froze until gametime?

Habanero Smoker

If you are going to cook it for the game, you should thaw it now.



I didn't mean gametime like the football game.  I meant should I leave it froze or should I turn the fridge up to continue the wet age process until gametime.  Gametime being about 1-2 wks from now.

Habanero Smoker

You need to be careful using sports analogies this time of year.  :)

If your original plan was to cook/smoke it in one to two weeks, you can adjust the temperature of your refrigerator, but maintain 40°F or lower. If you refrigerator has cold spots and your brisket is partially frozen in one area, I would move it to a refrigerator that has better temperature zones.

If this is your first aged brisket, you may notice some brown (some what drier) areas on parts of the edges, that will need to be trimmed also.

