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Smoked Silver SALMON STRIPS: The PUCKS stop here!

Started by UNKsmoker, August 27, 2006, 11:03:49 AM

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Just thought I'd share what my Bradely Smoke generator has been up to these last few weeks (5)
I've been keeping the bisquit feeder full and she chughs out some good smoke for sure!

These pics are of my latest batch,  they are in their early stages,  I will try to remember to snap a few pics as they set up and cure,  they turn real dark red and are oily smokey good!  I have a hard time keeping up with the eating,  the kids and my friends just can't get enough.  I have managed to seal some up for later,  they will keep in the vacuum seal bags for up to 4 months.  Good for later, and if I really am lucky I'll have enough to freeze!

My recipe is simple, 

I fillet the fish,  then "strip" them (1/2 wide cuts, in pairs so that they hang)  I slit the "thick" ones this allows for them to dry and catch smoke at a more uniform pace, keeps the process easier too,

anyways,  as the strips are cut they are dropped into a brine of rock salt dissolved in a cooler along with brown sugar and a touch of molasas, 
the ratio depends on the number of fish,  but in these pics I have 12 "stripped" silvers in there!

and the ratio for the brine was 3/4lb rock salt dissolved in 2 1/2 gallon of water,  1 1/2 lb brown sugar, and 1 cup of molasas.

they smoke after drying over night,  hence the little fan, I also have a hot plate inthe bottom to keep the temps up around 70+,   then I'll crank up the smoke for about 18 pucks worth,  take a taste and hit them again if needed.

<embed  width="400" height="120" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="http://w114.photobucket.com/widgets/BucketStrip.swf?url=http://w114.photobucket.com/albums/n274/UNKsmoker/&amp;name=AlaskaSmokedSalmonStrips06"></embed>

I can't seem to get the DAMN pics to do what I want,  so if anyone has a step by step how to, I'd love to read it!

There should be a an easier way to upload pics.... like an UPLOAD feature!

oh well,



The pics look good UNKsmoker....but 18 pucks! Wow! I don't even hit brisket with that much smoke! Right now I've got about 25 lbs of springs (kings) curing in my beer fridge to put into the smoker tonight. These are going to be cold smoked and in the Bradley I only give them about 2 hours of alder (6 pucks). When I do strips I up the smoke to about 7 or 8 pucks.


I am rather new at this. I am smoking salmon. Do I put water in the pan at the bottom of the smoker. I leave the damper open at the top....right.


Definately put water in the pan at the bottom Jeanne. What kind of smoked salmon are you hoping for--cold smoked or hot smoked. Temperature is critical. If you described your procedure we could help you.


Yes I know it is a lot of smoke.  That is the idea,  the fish is dried and preserved in a more traditional way, it is sort of like jerky, and we love it! 

Plan on doing more soon,
