7 More days and counting......

Started by SmokinHotMama, December 18, 2007, 01:28:02 PM

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Congrats, guys! I knew it would be a great present, now the fun starts ;D



I am glad he likes it.

However from my short experience with my Bradley Digital, Weber has nothing to fear.

Got my unit in September and am waiting for Fedex to deliver my 2nd replacement smoke generator, that right 3 in 4 months. None lasted more than 3 smokes.

Yesterday my new Weber Smokey Mountain arrived.  It fired it up last night, when it stabilized at 245 around 11:30PM I put a 15 pound brisket in it and went to bed. Woke up this morning and checked at 9AM, the Weber was still at 243 and the brisket was about 130.  Still humming along at about 245 in Chicago during a light snow shower.

It is now almost 2:30 15 hours and have not had to empty the water tray and refill it, did have to add wood pucks, did not have to get to of bed after 9 hours to reset the timer and temp.

Oh, and I only had to pay 204.00 delivered not 459.00 + shipping for the Bradley.

Anyone want to buy my 4 month old Digital 4 Rack with brand new never used generator, make me a reasonable offer and its yours. My contact info is in my profile.

Happy New Year


Sorry you had that experience, John.  Have not heard of anyone with that type of negative experience.

Any idea what caused the generators to fail?  For instance, was there any evidence that smoke/gunk was backing up into the generator?


Gunk not the problem. One unit just died electronically, the other would not reliably advance new pucks. I had to constantly check it every 20 or so minutes and would have press the wood advance 2 or 3 times before it push a new puck into position.

It sounds like a cool product on paper but the reality is another story.

I got because Bradley made is it sound like it was set it and forget.  I have chosen forget it. Life is too short.

La Quinta

As Consigs said John...a shame you are had trouble...I am having trouble with my smoke generator as well...but I'm going to figure it out or call Bradley. I'm actually trying to remember a company who would ship you 3 without question. Yes we all know it's a pain in the arse but....there are a lot of very happy Bradley owners on here. Weber makes a great product...but bashing Bradley "ain't the answer".



Probably why some of us dinosaurs have the Original Bradley with our own bolt-on enhancements. Have run a lot of pucks through mine while sipping adult beverages, at a distance, without a problem....  8)


La Quinta

Yeah...Arcs..."AT A DISTANCE"!!! :)


La Quinta,

I stand corrected, and have edited my post to reflect your observation.   :D


Again, I'm sorry you experienced that problem, John.  Providence picked you for the problems, and that's a shame.   I wish you had a chance to experience the (typically) a-problematic smoking with a Bradley, but now you've had that sour experience.

I am aware of a few techinical glitches that have been solved with relatively simple solutions on the puck advance thing.  Have not been a victim there.  But did have a QC issue with dimples on the puck burner that Bradley resolved without question, except to ask for my mailing address.  Nothing's perfect, but from my perspective, the company has an eye out for their customers.

Glad you like the Weber product and wish you the best in your projects.  I'm hoping I have a willing buyer for your Bradley.

Wish you the best for '08, and hope all the food is worthwhile.  Cheers!