I GOT A LEG OF LAMB FOR $11 !!! Now.... how to cook?

Started by firerescueman, January 01, 2009, 07:16:14 PM

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Caneyscud, good buy!  We really like boneless leg of lamb around here and have had great success with it in the smoker.  The paste mentioned in the recipe earlier in the post is great but to be honest we don't much care for Rosemary here with lamb or anything else.  What I like to do is leave the Rosemary out entirely and before you put the paste on cut some garlic into thin slices and insert it into the lamb through slices in the flesh.  I then marinate in red wine, pepper, fresh onion, soy sauce and coffee overnight, enough to completely cover the meat.  The paste goes on, seasoned to suit, for another eight hours and then into the smoker at 200-220 with cherry and hickory until an internal temp of 135-140 is reached.  FTC for at least two hours and I guarantee lamb that will be amazing.  Tender, juicy, flavorful and the fat is rendered during the smoing so you don't get that strong taste that some lamb can have.  I would give you exact measures but I tend to mix in the amounts that feel good at the time.  I have also been known to throw in a can or two of 7-Up to sweeten things a bit.  If the lamb is good you can't go too far wrong with whatever you decide to do as long as you don't overcook it!  I do have some pictures of a boneless leg I did a while back, I will look for them and maybe post later on.


Quote from: stillsmoking on January 11, 2009, 05:48:46 PM
I then marinate in red wine, pepper, fresh onion, soy sauce and coffee overnight, enough to completely cover the meat. 
I'm beginning to like coffee in my marinades.  I've only tried it on a couple of briskets.  Saw a recipe about a Cowboy Brisket that I stole it from.  The Cowboy Brisket was baked, so didn't do that, but it sure gave the smoked brisked a slightly richer and deeper taste. 


PS - I wish it was me who scored the good - not great! - buy on the lamb.  It was Firerescueman.  I'm just waiting for the evidentiary evidence - the photos!
"A man that won't sleep with his meat don't care about his barbecue" Caneyscud

"If we're not supposed to eat animals, how come they're made out of meat?"


Caney, I have been using coffee in my marinades for quite a few years now.  Several years back when different types of coffee got really popular I thought shoot if I like the flavor when I drink it how bad could it be in marinade?  I brew it strong and let it cool of course before adding, I like to use it with red meat and lamb.  I generally use some kind of sweetener with the coffee to tone down the acidity and whatever spices I would normally use.  To me red wine and coffee just go together.

Here is a picture of some lamb I did as described.

And sliced.


Coffee and Wine - talking about opposites attracting.  I've got to try that - sounds great for a roast!  Thanks

"A man that won't sleep with his meat don't care about his barbecue" Caneyscud

"If we're not supposed to eat animals, how come they're made out of meat?"