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smoking pheasant

Started by quebecrc, April 22, 2008, 11:44:16 AM

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I'm starting a pheasant breeding and i want to know if anybody ever try to smoke a pheasant.

And do you think i can do like a chicken???



You lucky dog!  I would love to have some pheasant.  I think there may be a recipe on the recipe site.  http://www.susanminor.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?s=3830ec2b86ce5fce516703b892678fbc&f=180.  I do not think it is smoked though.  If I recall, someone on here has done so.  Try doing a search.
Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth.

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La Quinta

My only pheasant experience is in England...I would assume...(and I could be wrong) that, because of it's gammey (sorry that spelling not be right) flavor...that you may want to use a lighter smoke? You should try a few...first? Do an apple...or...pecan smoke? See how you like it...? I bet Manx could be of help...(sorry...I tend to think of us Americans...not eating a lot of pheaseant)...hope people will chime in...


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Thank's guy's

It's really helpfull. It's that i want to start a hunting breeding with dog. Here in Québec they don't have a wild population of pheasant so i buy a little farm with a old field and i start the hunt this september. If you want to do a trip in Québec let me know!


Smoking Duck

Hi Quebec,

You sure can smoke a pheasant much like you would a chicken.  However, as pheasant meat tends to be pretty lean, I would recommend smoking it with bacon over top of it so as to keep it moist.

My duck dog (A black lab I named Steeler, after the greatest football team in the world) is great at retrieving ducks ands this summer I will be training her on pheasants.  She is easy to control and minds real well, so I imagine it will be rather easy to teach her to hold when she smells them and then flush when I command.  She has a great nose and has kicked up pheasants and quail on some of our daily walks.  Good luck with yours.  Sounds like you've got a great place.

Smoking Duck

Steeler....she's a keeper!

Who doesn't love lab puppies?

Click here for my blog: La Cosa Smokestra



QuoteI bet Manx could be of help

Missed this first time around!  ::)


I have smoked pheasant many times. Brine it (I use a low salt several day flavor brine).  I would imagine it is skinned and not plucked.  Bacon as stated earlier by Smoking Duck is a good idea. Barbecue sauce or mustard slather and a sprinkling of dried or fresh onions can be can be placed under the bacon. Baste with a thin butter or oil based sauce.

I sometimes take a knife and insert the blade on both sides of the breast parallel with the breast bone creating a long closed cavity.  Devien and seed a jalapeno.  Cut it longways into four to six strips depending on the size.  Coat one strip in meat tenderizer and insert it into the cavity left by the blade. Repeat on the other side.  This is the same method used on quail and dove.  This really tenderizes the breast and adds a lot of flavor.

I have also done it beer can chicken style.

I agree with using apple as the smoke.

It doesn't get any better than hunting with your own well trained dog as a compadre.

Good luck and slow smoking.
