Pork Sirloin Roast for Pulled Pork??

Started by punchlock, January 28, 2015, 08:20:54 AM

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Is a pork sirloin roast too lean a cut of meat for pulled pork?


Quote from: punchlock on January 28, 2015, 08:20:54 AM
Is a pork sirloin roast too lean a cut of meat for pulled pork?

In a nut shell Yes, it is to lean for pulled pork. Just my experience. I'm sure others have more input on this one.

Habanero Smoker

It is a lean cut, but you can make pulled pork out of it. This is especially useful if you have diet restrictions. It will be dry, and a little more difficult to pull,  but you can give the meat a sensation of moistness by adding a liquid and/or sauce. Occassionally I will make pulled pork for the pork loin.
Pulled Pork Loin w/ Sauce



Perfect, thanks! such a helpful group!    ;D