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help from the gurus THE YARD BIRD IS COMING!

Started by CLAREGO, November 15, 2006, 09:21:41 AM

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ok havent posted for a long while got a couple of question

1. i have old red bricks in the basement. i scrub the h@ll out of them wash them good then broiled it for 20 minutes... boy were those bricks hot! anyways look as if there was some white stuff plaster or some other concrete stuck to i got the wire brush out and scrub the bad boys as good as i could. then i proceeded to the sink got the grease lighting out and dump it in and scrub the h@ll out of them again. now there sitting in water going to broil them again in the oven. now the question is this safe to put in the smoker(i have seen people put bricks in the bradley to help with temp control and thats what i am using it for) for precautions should i wrap them up in aluimunuim foil ?

TURKEY where to put the thermometer at thigh or breast of the yard bird? and if thigh where do you put the good all theromometer at ?

last one i have some cherry and saperilla branches i am going to cut into the size of bradley pucks anyone ever try this ?


and yes a steelers fan :(


Just wrap your bricks in HD foil and go for it. No matter how much you scrub them they seem to still leach a bit of material out. (White powder). After a few uses they will stop doing that.
As far as the turkey goes put the termometer in the thigh like you would when cooking in the oven.
Cabinet thermometer should be toward the top of the bird and just a few inches away from it.
Waffers of branches don't work very good at all.(At least what I have tried). They just don't get burning enough within the twenty minute cycle time.

Anybody that's a Steelers fan can't be all bad. ;)


can the steelers still make it iceman. no one ever thought they would when the sb we need one for the other thumb

anyways thanks for the reply!



I always put the therm in the breast and go to 165 or slightly under, so I don't overcook and dry it out. When you start to carve, if the legs need some more heat, have the house oven pre-heated to 400*, and throw them in after cutting them off. By the time you're through with the breast carving and plating, your dark meat is ready to go!

Habanero Smoker

If you are going for presentation: ie the whole turkey on the platter then it is best to do as Iceman suggested; taking the temperature through the thigh and cooking until the thigh reaches 160°F. I usually place the probe under the leg and into the thigh's thickness part. I find if the dark meat does not get 160°F or higher the meat is a little tough. If you brine or get a self-basting turkey, you usually don't have to worry about the breast drying out.

If presentation is not an issue, you can always separate the breast from the thighs and legs before smoking (or just purchase the turkey parts you want); and smoke breast on one tray, and the dark meat in another tray. Pull the breast when it reaches 150°F, and let the dark meat stay until it reaches 160°F. While you are waiting for the dark meat to finish you can keep the breast warm in a 140° preheated oven; just loosely tent foil it.



theres got to be a way to make pucks im going to experiament this tommrow !
thannsk hab


You can search this board for ideas.  There have been a few here that have tried (with some success).  I believe they have all reverted back to the purchase.
Click here for our time proven and tested recipes - http://www.susanminor.org/

Habanero Smoker

Quote from: CLAREGO on November 16, 2006, 02:54:23 PM
theres got to be a way to make pucks im going to experiament this tommrow !
thannsk hab

Your welcome. I use this method on occasions, and it's always has been very successful. There are some gatherings when more people prefer dark meat; so you can plan better by buying turkey parts instead of the whole turkey.

If you find a way to make pucks. I have a ton of sassafras trees growing at the edge of my property. I would be more than happy to send you the stuff I have to pick up off my yard every year. ;D



May seem silly to ask, but where in the BS are you putting the bricks. The concept seems very good and I want to know more about the bricks and their BS applications. Thanks, iahkaferoaster
I hunt, therefore I eat.

Habanero Smoker

I'm able to fit one brick just to the right of the water bowl.



Neat. Thanks. WOOOHOOO Mule deer season opens her 11/25, Come to poppa ;D
I hunt, therefore I eat.


im planning on sticking 2 pieces of brick on one shelf