Tasty Brisket

Started by kiyotei, August 18, 2007, 10:13:08 AM

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I did another 7 lb brisket last night.  I slathered it with a mix of yellow mustard, worchestershire sauce, tabasco, maple syrup (I highly recommend adding maple syrup to any rib slather, fantastic).  Then I sprinkled it with a dry rub.  I smoked it for 5 hours using hickory, mesquete, and maple.  I then wrapped it in foil, added some apple juice and put it in the oven at 210 degrees (11 pm) and went to bed.  I got up at about 7:30 am and pulled it out.  I let it sit an hour while I slept some more.  I sliced it up and wow, what a great breakfast I had.  It was super tender and juicey.  I have a lot of trouble getting these pics posted correctly.  I use image shack.  When I click the insert image button it never seems to work right.  Any suggestions?


Looks like the pictures made it into your post just fine.

Only suggestion I can offer is on the slicing of the meat.  If you tilt the heal of knife blade back at a 45 Degree angle when you slice, you will end up with a much wider slice of meet. 
Click here for our time proven and tested recipes - http://www.susanminor.org/


Good looking brisket. Thanks for sharing.
May the fragrance of thin blue smoke always grace your backyard.

Click On The Smoker For Our Time Tested And Proven Recipes


this was my best one yet this summer.  I think I finally gotten it right.  There are so many variables to making it taste just right.  I took half to work today and it was a big hit.  I work with a guy from TN who does a lot of smoked pork butts.  We swap tips at lunch about smoking, and bbq in general.


Congrats! Brisket is a tough one. Looks like you done real well.
