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Contest From Iceman and Olds

Started by Oldman, April 02, 2008, 04:01:23 PM

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ok, my .02 cents.  BTW, I don't want to win, this is just opinion. 

1.  It is indeed an optical illusion, kinda.  The observer is indeed seeing a larger image that is due to the refraction of the ice and water crystals (more frozen O2 the larger the refraction) that provides the larger projection of the image on the other side.  Note, we are looking at the projection of the Moon as the Sun reflects its image from the surface thru our atmosphere.  The thicker the atmosphere, the more O2 that image needs to go thru, this to larger the refraction.  At different elevations that refraction is larger or shorter than others.  Growing up at 6K Feet elevation the Moon looked big but now at zero to 100 feet that moon us magnormous at moon rise or set.  Yes GEEK...

2. Leaves provide discomfort and bad reactions.  Toxic, possible depending on reactions due to toxin reactions in the allergens and oils in the leaves, much like Poison Ivy. Me, I have tasted them to tested them to understand acidity and moisture.  But dang they are nasty.

3. Owner of site is the Minor Estate.  The material posted on the site is of the public domain for at least after one year of first disclosure, after the first year, the original poster has the time up to three years to define copyright of said material.  Right now, as this is still under the three year and possibly no infringement complains have not been issued to the Minor Estate, all is in the Public domain and owned by no-one and all.  Of course, all still depends on that one year of disclosure.

4. who should be the owner of the Recipe Material?  This should be established as Open Material, defined under a Open Source agreement with specific definition of access rights and copyright to the originating source, the Minor Estate and Trustees of the Bradley Users Forum Group, as defined as the membership of the Recipe Site and Bradley Forum Membership.  (Yeah I made up my own question, but it fits)

5. Depending on reaction of an individuals Human Physiology, its not good. But not necessarily toxic.  I for one are not interested in testing this.

6. Hey, Number 500.

But I divert my potential winnings to the next closest members, if the case is such I am best selected. 
Coming to you from the DelMarVa (US East Coast that is)

Look up Our Time Tested And Proven recipes


Getting close guys and I know there is alot more members out there that would like this prize. Lets get your answers in so you have a shot at it. ;D ;)


It is 5-1-08.......  And the winner of the grill is ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 


Contest is closed. As soon as I can get a chance to go over the entries I will let you all know.

Click On The Portal To Be Transported To Our Time Tested And Proven Recipes~~!!! 


1. Why does the Moon look larger when rising or setting then it does when over head?
A. The moon's size never changes - rather it is an optical illusion.
It stems from the brain's habit of calculating the dimensions of the
unfamiliar by comparing them with the size of the familiar. When the moon
is setting/rising, it is low in the horizon and among an abundance
of buildings, trees and houses. When the brain compares the sizes of moon
and the buildings, the moon is bigger and thus appears huge to the mind's
eye. Directly overhead however, there is nothing to contrast the moon to
but the infinite sky. Even clouds are generally bigger, so the size of the
moon mentally shrinks.

2. Are tomatoe leaves ever added to a salad? If your answer is yes or no
explain your answer.
A. The leaves of the tomato ARE poisonous - the offending chemical is
an alkyloid called Tomatine.

3. Two part question: Who owns the recipes on the recipe site? Who owns the
recipe site?
A. The Bradly members unless the a recipe is copyrighted.
B. The recipe site is owned by MCCM (susanminor.org is acceptable) as it owns the server the site sits on. (I own the copy of V-bulletin board.)

5. Is an un-ripe pineapple toxic? If your answer is yes or no explain
your answer.
A. Unripe pineapple has poison which can cause drastic purging.
6. Pick a number between 1 and 1000. (the closest to the number
wins this answer.)
A 444

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