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How To Make Ribs in a Bradley Pictorial

Started by Tenpoint5, May 17, 2009, 08:03:03 PM

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Quote from: Martin_H on January 09, 2019, 06:58:20 AM
Hello, I´m new here. My first ribs in my B-smoker  - when I see the pictures here in forum, I'm ashamed a little ... :)

The pics of the finished ribs make me hungry.   :)  How tender were they?

Also, is the membrane still on one section of the ribs in the first pic?  If so, you might want to remove that before cutting them up and smoking.  Ribs are more tender without it.

How and Why to Remove the Membrane from Pork Ribs


Thanks. I have the membrane on ribs purposely. One time I take it off but the ribs was dry, not so juicy >:(


I'm making these tomorrow in my NTM 6 rack Bradley. I like to dip rather than have saucy ribs but I'm going to give it a go. Thanks for posting!

Habanero Smoker

Hi JeanetteG;

Welcome to the forum.

I don't like sauce on my ribs either, You don't have to apply sauce during the last phase of the cooking process. Finishing without sauce, sometimes a thin "chewy" layer will form on the surface of the ribs. When that happens it doesn't bother me so I don't usually spritz. To prevent the surface of the meat forming a thin chewy top layer, you may want to spritz with apple juice, or a low sodium chicken stock, or a mixture of both. Spritz about every 20 minutes during that last phase, and do this quickly to lessen the amount of cabinet heat loss.




Hello JeanetteG and Welcome to the Forum. The ribs look really good, how did they turn out? I don't care for saucy ribs very much or too "fall of the bone". I prefer a little chew to them as long as I still have my own teeth.   ;)


My husband was stealing bones before I could get them all of the smoker. They are tender and juicy, I sure hope I saved the rub recipe somewhere because I love the flavor. They have some chew and I didn't spritz because I like the bark on top. Took a little longer than expected due to some temperature problems. I did all the troubleshooting except open the smoke generator will do that here in a minute.

Habanero Smoker

Looks like you had a good cook. Spritzing shouldn't lessen the bark development. The 3-2-1 method is just a basic guideline for spare ribs. All cook times will vary. When I cooked/smoked ribs in the Bradley the 3-2-1 method was never enough time.



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