Heat Issues

Started by Thunder Struck, May 22, 2009, 07:43:11 PM

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Thunder Struck

I am having some issue getting to temp.

I am doing about 19 lbs. of Boston Butt on a OBS. I have the heat cranked and cannot get the temp over about 210 deg.

I know there are guys that have done the mod. and it works but, this thing is less than a week old.

I had the vent closed most of the way, could this be way I am having issues?


I would definitely open the vent at least halfway.  I'm also thinking 210° with a 19 lb roast in there is pretty good.  How long has it been heating?  Was the Butt refrigerator cool when you put it in?  Or room temp?

I'm sure others will chime in with other suggestions.
US Army, retired, x2
Soldotna Alaska
"One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well."
Psalm 109:8

Bradley (Head Office)


I would follow Aces directions and open the vent at least half way

Smokin Soon

After how many hours did it get to 210? Just did 17 pounds and it took almost 19 hours to get to 185 internal. Have done the same amount of meat in 16 hours. Ya just never know! I will always allow enough time for the variances. FTC will cover you for many hours when done too early. If you use a rule of 1 hour per pound as some do, you Will be disappointed. The ones the take the longest for me are the best. They get somewhere around 160 and seem to hang there forever. The experts will tell you what the heck it's doing at that time, it has to do with connective tissue breaking down and creating juices that were not there before that temp was reached. And never close your vent, not good. I give the butts 4 hours of Hickory, but that is just my taste. Vent half open during the entire cook. Hope this helps, and don't get discouraged.

Thunder Struck

Quote from: aces-n-eights on May 22, 2009, 09:07:29 PM
I would definitely open the vent at least halfway.  I'm also thinking 210° with a 19 lb roast in there is pretty good.  How long has it been heating?  Was the Butt refrigerator cool when you put it in?  Or room temp?

I'm sure others will chime in with other suggestions.

The butt was cold when it went in about 8:30 am because it had been brining over night. It had been running for about 10 hours and had gotton over 200 deg a few times.

I am sure most of by concerns are nerves but:

* My first OBS cook so, I din't know how it should act.
* I have a bunch of folk coming tomorrow.
* After 10 hours with the OBS cranked, I thought it would get high temp.
* A lot of guys on here are saying cook at 210-225 deg., and I couldn't get it there.

It finished in about 17 hours (<1 hr/lb.) (190-195 internal temp)

Happy with the results, just was concerned about the performance (thought something was wrong).


Glad you're happy with the results!  Again, others will probably chime in, but i think your Bradley is working as expected.  Where was your smoker placed?  If outside overnight the cooler air temps may have some effect on how the smoker heats.

You can always move a large roast like that into your kitchen oven, after the smoke phase, if you want a higher heat.  Makes the house smell really good, too!

Hopefully your friends will love the smoked butt!
US Army, retired, x2
Soldotna Alaska
"One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well."
Psalm 109:8


After smoking it for about 5 hours of smoke you could move it your oven.  WOw 19lbs that is one really big roast.  Is it Dino roast or what???

Thunder Struck

Quote from: kiyotei on June 05, 2009, 04:36:29 PM
After smoking it for about 5 hours of smoke you could move it your oven.  WOw 19lbs that is one really big roast.  Is it Dino roast or what???

A 10 lb'er + a 9 lb'er