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Bulls Eye Original vs Sweet Baby Rays vs Stubbs

Started by ExpatCanadian, June 04, 2009, 04:04:07 AM

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When I lived in Canada, my standard and favourite commercial sauce was Bulls Eye Original...  tried most of them and haven't yet met a bottle of Bulls Eye I haven't liked, but I always come back to the original as a sweet but not-too-sweet sauce that's good on most everything.  I usually try to bring back a bottle or 2 of it back when I head home...

...anyway, as I mentioned a few weeks back, I've found this supplier in Germany who sells BBBR...  and it turns out he also sells most of the Bulls Eye range, Sweet Baby Rays Original and a load of stuff from the Stubbs range.

Having never tried the latter 2 products (not even sure they are or were available in Canada, but perhaps someone can correct me on that) can anyone give me a run down on how they compare to Bulls Eye Original?  Planning to place an order with him, and don't wanna order a bunch of stuff I won't like as shipping is fairly expensive.

Mr Walleye


I'm not much help on your question but if you are ever back in Canada you should try these 2 from SuperStore. They are economical, large bottles and one of the best I've had around here. JMHO

PC Smokin' Stampede Beer & Chipotle Barbecue Sauce

PC Smokin' Habanero Barbecue Sauce


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Thanks Mike...  I actually remember you posting that a while back and I meant to add it to my shopping list for this summer when I'm home.  Done now....  can't wait to try them.  I also recall Stupidstore did a fantastic black bean salsa that I used to love and could never find anywhere else.  Will have to check and see if they still have it.  Damn...  already at least half of my paltry 15kg luggage allowance is GONE!!!


I can give you a little comparison of Bulls Eye and Sweet Baby Rays, but not on Stubbs.  It has been too long since I have Stubbs here in the house and don't have any on hand.  I actually have a little Bulls Eye (need to buy more) and several Rays.  

I like both sauces (and like Stubbs as well).  To me the Bull's Eye has a deep flavor and color that I would attribute to a higher volume of Molasses.  I believe the Bull's Eye also has more of a smoke flavor compared to the Rays.  The Rays is sweeter, undoubtedly due to a higher volume of corn syrup.

Now many here will think I have totally lost my mind with my next statement, but I will plead temporary insanity due to withdrawls from the Ice Man's Sopin' Sauce with an Attitude, but if I have any memory left of the delectable sauce, the Bull's Eye may be the closest to Ice's sauce (without the habanero back end).   ;)  ;)  ;)  See I warned you I was insane.  

I favor the Bulls Eye over Sweet Baby Rays.  My next experiment with the two sauces is to use some of each on chicken to check out a statement Mrs. Giz made that she thinks the Sweet Baby Rays will taste better on chicken then on Ribs.  We actually just had ribs last weekend and I finished them with the Sweet Baby Rays.  She did not like them as well this time as in the past.  After making the previous comment tonight, She appears to be consistant.  She didn't know which sauce she was tasting when I had her compare the two and rate them.  She could not pick a favorite between the two of them though.
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Most people I talk to like SBR but for me its Bulls Eye. I actually prefer the 'ragin bull' bulls eye, or one of the slightly spicy ones.

Habanero Smoker

I don't like my sauce too sweet. Sweet Baby Ray's is too sweet for me, and it's been a long time since I have had Bull's Eye (but do recall I wasn't that happy with it). I had bee using Stubb's Spicy Barbecue sauce (don't like their marinades), because it is not that sweet, until Iceman's sauce. I still have two jars left, and haven't tried a commercial sauce in awhile.



Thanks for your replies....  they've been really helpful.  I think I'm going to stick with Bull's Eye and might try one bottle of Stubbs for the heck of it.  But Bull's Eye is plenty sweet for me, so if SBR's is sweeter than that, I doubt I'll like it.

Sadly I came along too late for Iceman's sauce, but I sure would have liked to try it.


Quote from: Habanero Smoker on June 05, 2009, 01:42:19 AM
I don't like my sauce too sweet. Sweet Baby Ray's is too sweet for me, and it's been a long time since I have had Bull's Eye (but do recall I wasn't that happy with it). I had bee using Stubb's Spicy Barbecue sauce (don't like their marinades), because it is not that sweet, until Iceman's sauce. I still have two jars left, and haven't tried a commercial sauce in awhile.

Hey Habs,
Can you quick ship me one of those jars of Iceman's sauce so I can compare it to the Bull's Eye and refresh my memory.  I'd ask you to buy a bottle of Bull's Eye and do the comparison but that just wouldn't be right wasting all that money on the Bull's Eye.    ;) ;D  ;D  ;D
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I was just reading this discussion, thinking to myself that Bulls Eye used to be a favorite of mine. I looked in the fridge today and saw a bottle of Sweet Baby Rays in there! I didn't know I had it. So I mixed some of that with some of NePas Grappette Sauce I made up and put that on my pulled pork. GREAT, although SBR IS really sweet. I'll have to grab some Bulls Eye for comparison.

Dang all this work I have to do!!  ;D

Oceanside, Ca.

Habanero Smoker

Quote from: Gizmo on June 05, 2009, 07:03:15 PM
Quote from: Habanero Smoker on June 05, 2009, 01:42:19 AM
I don't like my sauce too sweet. Sweet Baby Ray's is too sweet for me, and it's been a long time since I have had Bull's Eye (but do recall I wasn't that happy with it). I had bee using Stubb's Spicy Barbecue sauce (don't like their marinades), because it is not that sweet, until Iceman's sauce. I still have two jars left, and haven't tried a commercial sauce in awhile.

Hey Habs,
Can you quick ship me one of those jars of Iceman's sauce so I can compare it to the Bull's Eye and refresh my memory.  I'd ask you to buy a bottle of Bull's Eye and do the comparison but that just wouldn't be right wasting all that money on the Bull's Eye.    ;) ;D  ;D  ;D

Sure no problem. Send me your address. There is only one problem, when I mail out packages I get confused as to where the sender's address goes, and where the recipient's address goes. I mail out a package, and without fail a couple of days later it arrives on my front deck. ??? ;D



Ah, so stamped self addressed then will work.   :)
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Do they still make the Bulls Eye BBQ sauce with salsa?  If they do, it is no longer carried in the area where I live.  I used to grill chicken breasts and use this sauce.  It really gave it a great, spicy flavor!
We have also tried Stubbs and Sweet Baby Ray's.  Of course, for Scott, they are not spicy enough.  He did not care for Stubbs much. 

Habanero Smoker

Quote from: Gizmo on June 06, 2009, 09:05:41 PM
Ah, so stamped self addressed then will work.   :)

Aaaaaah! You are going to have to give me a couple of days to think of a responsed to get out of this one. :)

Quote from: seemore on June 06, 2009, 09:56:05 PM
Do they still make the Bulls Eye BBQ sauce with salsa?  If they do, it is no longer carried in the area where I live.  I used to grill chicken breasts and use this sauce.  It really gave it a great, spicy flavor!
We have also tried Stubbs and Sweet Baby Ray's.  Of course, for Scott, they are not spicy enough.  He did not care for Stubbs much. 

That reminds me. I use to take Paul Newman's Hot Salsa with Pineapple, and mix it with Stubb's Spicy Barbecue sauce. That is good, especially as a topping for hamburgers, mixed in meat loaf, or as a dipping sauce.



That sounds good, Habs.  Might just have to try that..... 8)


Quote from: Habanero Smoker on June 07, 2009, 01:37:21 AM
Quote from: Gizmo on June 06, 2009, 09:05:41 PM
Ah, so stamped self addressed then will work.   :)

Aaaaaah! You are going to have to give me a couple of days to think of a responsed to get out of this one. :)

LOL  never though I'd get you on one.   :)
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