Sunday Funnies

Started by jaeger, January 31, 2005, 01:30:43 AM

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I picked up a lobster at the store today. I was just getting the smoker ready and now I can't remember where I put him.


That brings back a very funny memory for me.  My Dad was in the Navy, and we lived in Yokohama/Hyama Beach area in Japan from 1954-57.  

My dad picked up some lobster for dinner, and brought them home in ice.  

He put them on the table in the kitchen.  About 20 min later, I heard a blood-curdling scream from sister coming out of the kitchen.  There were four lobster, who escaped from the table and crawling all over the kitchen.  Absolutely hilarious.

There is room on earth for all God's creatures....right on my plate next to the mashed potatoes.

Habanero Smoker

I remember the first time I ever cooked lobster. I was vacationing in Maine, bought a lobster off a boat, and took it back to the cottage. I asked the boat captain how to cook it, and remember the captain saying, "They don't have a central nervous system, and don't feel a thing when you drop them in boiling water."

At supper time, I filled a pot with water. Once it was boiling, threw the lobster in, and the lobster jumped back out. To this day, I have not cook another lobster, but have no problem eating them, as long as I am not in the kitchen when they are cooked.


Chez Bubba

We were in Maine a few years ago (when lobster was still cheap there) and decided to have a lobster-fest at the motel. Went out & bought a cheap little charcoal grill, charcoal, butter, salt. Went to the local supermarket because their price was cheaper than any other we could find on Crusties.

Told the kid behind the counter we wanted 10 whole ones, but since we were from out of state, would be grilling them instead of boiling. Therefore, I wanted him to hack 'em up & only give me the tails & the claws.

First he tried to explain to me that we'd still had to pay for the entire weight, not just what we walked out with. I assured him I was OK with that. Then he asked me just how he should go about completing his task. I told him just to cut off the tail "here" & then "whack off the claws".

He stumbled through the first one and had just started to cut the tail off the second, when the torso of the first began crawling over the SS counter & fell on the floor. He turned around to me about three shades of green & said "Sir, I can't hardley stand throwing these things in the water, let alone doing this. Is there any way I can just give them to you whole & you do it yourself?"

I do have some compassion in me & didn't want him getting in trouble from his boss, nor puking on my dinner. I told him yes, bought a $12.00 knife that I couldn't fly back home with, and processed the little buggers in the bathtub of the motel.

Even after fleeing the horde of mosquitos the size of birds that attacked just as the lobsters were done, that was one of the finest meals I've ever had.[^][:p][:D][8D]

Ya think next time I check into a hotel & they ask "Smoking or Non?" they would mind?
Ya think if next time I check into a hotel & they ask "Smoking or Non", they would mind?


You should do that with about 100 Blue Crabs. After crabbing half the night we got home and put the #3 wash tub full of ice, beer & crabs in the kitchen floor, had one more beer[xx(] and went to bed. Next morning it was like a "EASTER CRAB" Hunt..[8)] (Didn't know crabs could build a ladder from beer bottles)[?] Those dam* things were in every room in the house. Finally resorted to letting the dog find them. Must have gotten all of them by 2 in the afternoon...  Never did smell one getting ripe in the coming days.  "NEVER DO THAT TRICK AGAIN"[:0]  Bill

If you can eat it, you can smoke it.
If you can eat it, Then You can smoke it