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Cold smoking cheese

Started by mcintoshaudio, June 29, 2009, 05:59:47 PM

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My wife is totally thrilled with my smoking on various types of smokers, but I want to blow her away by smoking cheese. She's a cheese freak and I'd like to impress her the first time out. I just purchased a DBS6, which I haven't recieved yet, but would like some input from some the smoke heads on an initial trial.

La Quinta

First off WELCOME....secondly...lotta smarter peeps on here then me about smokin cheese (I happen to live in a place where my window for cold smoking is WAY GONE)...if you can cold smoke cheese now....you outa do some salmon too...the cold smoked salmon is killer.... :)


First off all, welcome to the forum!  Work for McIntosh?  Great equipment.  As for cold smoking cheese, depending on where you live cold smoking may be an issue this time of year.  There is a posting board on this forum for vegetables, cheese and nuts.  You might want to read posts there for more info but essentially you are going to need a cold smoke set up.  Bradley sells a really good one but you can also make one with a cardboard box and clothes dryer vent hose.  You may have to put ice in your smoker to keep the heat down this time of year.  You don't want the temp in the smoker tower to go higher than 90* at the very highest so don't turn on the tower heat source at all.  The best piece of info I can relay to you is this... after you have smoked the cheese DON'T try to eat it.  If you have a vac sealer, vac seal it and into the frig for a minimum of 10 days.  If you don't have a vac sealer, wrap it tightly in plastic wrap and into the frig for at least 10 days.  Straight out of the smoker it tastes like eating an ashtray full of stale cigarette butts.

Go to the posting board for cheese.  Lots of reliable info plus there are other members of the forum who will be along for more and better info.  Trust us on the 10 day wait.  The longer the better.  It is well worth the results.



Hey, the thoughts on cold smoked salmon is up my alley. I live in Florida, so I know temp will be a problem during summer. I have access to dry ice and thought this might give me an edge. Any one tried this. I don't work for Mcintosh, but I have enough of their equipment to finance a small country. This is a Bradley forum, so enough about that. This forum rocks. If NASA had as much knowledge as this site we'd be saying hello to aliens from another galaxy! I like the suggestions on the cheese. I know that most smokers are into meat, but I've done that. What things have you folks in the forum come up with that have surprised yourselves and your guests?

Smokin Soon

Ky has ya set up in the right direction, for my experiences, The cardboard box was ok, the ice in the bowl did not work too well for me. The Bradley Cold Smoke Adaptor does have it's flaws but works very well for cheese. And yes the waiting perioud is quite painfull, but a neccessary evil..


You need to be carefull with using ice and dry ice may be worse.
I have had enough ice in the bottom of my smoke that it made the smoke stay in the bottom of the unit and not flow up and out.  I was using the cardboard box and aluminum dryer vent hose.  You don't want smoke backing up into the generator.  A real small fan placed at a distance from the smoke gen can provide a gentle breeze to push the smoke through (the smoke generator has vents that allow the updraft.  Alternatively, you can put a smaller fan above the smoke generator and draw the smoke out.  Be carefull to not blow or suck the smoke out so it doesn't hit the food on the way out.   :)
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La Quinta

Hey mcintoshaudio...I grew up in Florida...(well, from age 8)...where ya from?


Thanks, all. I think I'll wait for winter to smoke the cheese and let it age a bit. Hey La Quinta, I'm from Riverview ....... just outside of Tampa. Moved here when I was 10. 


Quote from: mcintoshaudio on June 29, 2009, 07:26:09 PM
. I know that most smokers are into meat, but I've done that. What things have you folks in the forum come up with that have surprised yourselves and your guests?


Fatties, ABT's, ADT's, Bologna, Spam, Oxtails, Lox (cold smoking), 'Shrooms, bacon wrapped shrimp or scallops, oysters, nuts, salt, pepper, 'Maters, Corn on the Cob, Pizzas, Armadillo Eggs, Scotch Eggs, Bacon Explosions, pastrami, chicken wings, ...... I know I'm missing some - others will add on!  I know some are technically "meat", but wasn't sure if you meant stuff like ribs, brisket, butts....!
"A man that won't sleep with his meat don't care about his barbecue" Caneyscud

"If we're not supposed to eat animals, how come they're made out of meat?"

La Quinta

mcintoshaudio....I grew up just north of Daytona Beach...(Ormond Beach) moved there when I was 9!!! Mom is still in the house!!!  :) So you're a west coast guy...I'm an east coast chick...no matter...Florida rocks!!!  ;D Even my hubby (from England) likes it!!


Quote from: mcintoshaudio on June 30, 2009, 04:36:18 AM
Thanks, all. I think I'll wait for winter to smoke the cheese and let it age a bit. Hey La Quinta, I'm from Riverview ....... just outside of Tampa. Moved here when I was 10. 
Geez, Right up the road from Gibtown, I get there for a few days in Febuary, I winter in Ft Lauderdale and I smoke cheese  with ice in the bowl, no problem.

La Quinta

Really carnie??? do you crack the door? I've tried to do it at my Mom's (and she lives a block off of the ocean) and I can't keep the box temp down...Ice in the bowl...bottom 2 racks with ice bags....what did I do wrong???


Quote from: KyNola on June 29, 2009, 06:55:44 PM
 If you don't have a vac sealer, wrap it tightly in plastic wrap and into the frig for at least 10 days.  Straight out of the smoker it tastes like eating an ashtray full of stale cigarette butts.

I let mine sit for 2 weeks it still tasted like an ashtray. Does this mean I got the cheese too hot when it was being smoked?


It might have ben to hot. I just use the smoke gen w/out the main heat and put ice in the pan just below the cheese. Vent full open and my door cracked 1/4"

I vac seal the cheese for a few weeks before eating.

Now i use a seperate cold smoker mounted to the side of my Bradley and dont have the heat issues.



Thanks Nepas. I may have to make it a lot easier and move the next effort to winter time. I am ruining too much cheese.