Window's Vista Re:Recipe Installation

Started by Habanero Smoker, July 13, 2009, 03:08:21 AM

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Habanero Smoker

I know of two incidences in which members have had problems with the installation of the GSO Reader and the Recipe/Image file (data file). If you have experienced installation problems, can you please provide me with some feedback. It seems that both programs are installing properly, but when you run GSO Reader the data file with the recipes can not be found.

1. What version of Vista are you using (32 bit or 64 bit)?

2. Is Vista automatically changing the default directory for GSO Reader?

3. If so what is the directory that Vista is defaulting to?

Or if you have Vista and had no problems I would like feed back on that also; just let me know if it is the 32 or 64 bit version.




I have the 32 bit version.  I downloaded the file fairly recently but haven't really used it.  I opened files when I installed and had no problems.  I automatically go to the website when I need something.  I'll play around with it later and see if I notice anything that would be helpful. 

My son just got a new laptop w the 64 bit and if you need me to I'll install on that to troubleshoot.  It's an impressive laptop and the geek in me really wants a reason to pry it out of his fingers to use it for a few minutes :D


Smokin Soon

Habanero Smoker

Quote from: deb415611 on July 13, 2009, 03:15:42 AM

I have the 32 bit version.  I downloaded the file fairly recently but haven't really used it.  I opened files when I installed and had no problems.  I automatically go to the website when I need something.  I'll play around with it later and see if I notice anything that would be helpful. 

My son just got a new laptop w the 64 bit and if you need me to I'll install on that to troubleshoot.  It's an impressive laptop and the geek in me really wants a reason to pry it out of his fingers to use it for a few minutes :D


So more input I recieve the better. This will confirm SS findings. :)

I did see your earlier posts. So it looks like the 64 bit version may give users a problem. Would you know if the [x86] prefix to the directory is added for any 32 bit based program?



I have Vista 64 bit Premium.  I followed the instuctions SS posted in the link and it works fine.
Now I am just looking forward to the next database roll up.   :)
Click here for our time proven and tested recipes -

Smokin Soon

Pretty much of everyhing you install on Vista 64 bit goes into the x86 directory, It' just that some software will not find it there and must be re-directed like the GSO reader.

Habanero Smoker

Gizmo & SS

Thanks. I may post a notice on the download page about this situation.
