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Funny story of the day

Started by Hopefull Romantic, July 15, 2009, 09:51:37 AM

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Hopefull Romantic

Hi there all.

I heard this funny story and thought I share it with you all.

A teacher wanted to entice creative thinking in her second graders so she told them that she would hold an object in her hand behind her back and give them three clues to guess what it was.
First she held an orange and she added: in my hand now I am holding something round, soft and orange in color' what is it? Little Sally in the middle of the class raised her hand and yelled; I Know, I know... it is a Basket Ball. The teacher replied; NO, it is an orange. But I like the way you are thinking.
Second she held a cucumber and she added: in my hand now I am holding something long, seedy and green in color' what is it? Little Sally, again, raised her hand and yelled; I Know, I know... it is a squash. The teacher replied; NO, it is a cucumber. But I like the way you are thinking.
Little Johnny (the class brat) raised his hand and asked; can I play, can I play? When the teacher accepted he said; "I have my hand in my pocket and in it I am holding something long, hard and pinkish in color. What is it? The teacher, horrified, started screaming at Johnny telling him how impolite, rude and bad mannered he was. Johnny interrupted her and said: Teacher, it is an eraser, BUT I LIKE THE WAY YOU ARE THINKING   

Hope y'all got a good laugh

I am not as "think" as you "drunk" I am.