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Absolutely New To This !

Started by sniper-medic, July 26, 2009, 05:45:05 PM

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Hey Guys,
   Just ordered my first smoker.....I bought the Bradley "Jim Beam" smoker.....I work as a Firefighter/Paramedic and one of the local cops in the city where I live has been smoking for about a year now....He has made some awesome dishes...He has a cookshack FEC100 and he really enjoys it...I've been reading on the Bradley's and the Cookshacks and decided to go with the Bradley...It was a pretty close decision but I think I didn't go wrong with this model for my first.  The icing on the cake was the Jim Beam logo, that's a whole nother post!  I'm looking forward to learning alot from you folks.  Hopefully some day I'll be having the cops drooling over the firefighters cooking instead of the firefighters drooling over the Cops cooking!




Welcome aboard sniper-medic. You've come to the right place for answers as there are a lot of great people here.


W E L C O M E  to the Forum sniper-medic!

If you click on the ribs at the bottom of my post, it should take you to our recipe site.

There is lots of good info there, and lots of good people here.
Click on the Ribs for Our Time tested and Proven Recipes!

Original Bradley Smoker with Dual probe PID
2 x Bradley Propane Smokers
MAK 2 Star General
BBQ Evangelist!


Welcome aboard S-M.  You can easily impress those cops with some of the basic recipes from the site.  What are you planning for your first smoke?


Not even a clue what I'm going to try...Ordered it tonight, so I figure it won't even get here until Thursday or so....Need to start reading up on rubs and recipes and see what looks good to try...


Welcome to the forum s-m

I just want to say thank you for what you do for us.

Please dont be afraid to ask any questions here. We are a close knit smokin family.




Welcome to the forum. You made the right decision by going with the Bradley. I'm new to smoking and I'll tell you that anytime you have a question you can pretty much get it answered right here in just about 5 minutes flat with the fine folks in this community. Also Bradley has amazing support staff should you run into any issues with your unit along the way. Congrats
