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Hunting and Fishing Pics---Post them here!

Started by Caribou, August 28, 2009, 05:14:24 AM

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recent haul while deep sea fishing in Barbados. these are Mahi-Mahi (locals in Barbados call it Dolphin) and Wahoo.

Bradley Original Smoker BT1S1
Auber PID WS-1200CPH
Traeger Lil' Tex BBQ070
Char-Broil Big Easy Infrared Fryer 10101480
Napoleon Ultra Chef UP405RB


I like to walk threw life on the path of least resistance. But sometimes the path needs a good kick in the ass.

One Big Easy, plus one in a box.


thanks Q

it was pretty intense. the Captain said this to us at the start of the trip - "i can take you up the west coast where the water is calm and the scenery is nice and we might catch some fish. OR, i can take you to the south east coast where the swells are huge and you all might get seasick, but we WILL catch a lot of fish".

we went to the south east coast  ;D
Bradley Original Smoker BT1S1
Auber PID WS-1200CPH
Traeger Lil' Tex BBQ070
Char-Broil Big Easy Infrared Fryer 10101480
Napoleon Ultra Chef UP405RB


Some nice looking dolphin! That's what we call them in the gulf fishing off the AL & FL coast. I'm thinking the others are Spanish mackerel? Nice catch!

Yea, opt for catching fish and take Dramamine! I've been seasick and it's the closes to death I've been yet! Dramamine!  ;D


Awesome. I was a deckhand on a commercial troller on the westcoast of B.C. here and after 2 or 3 days of my first trip the sick went away. After that the bigger the seas the more fun it was. Of course I grew up around the water so it is in my blood. My captain would say I was like a newfie (New Foundlander) cause the bigger it got the better I fished. It was not uncommon to be out on deck in 30 to 40 foot seas with the wind blowing 60 and gusting to 70 or 80 MPH.
I like to walk threw life on the path of least resistance. But sometimes the path needs a good kick in the ass.

One Big Easy, plus one in a box.


One of those days---No pics cause it was one of those days where if you didn't have bad luck, you'd have no luck at all. We were out fishing for spring salmon this morning and the rod slams down --Fish ON!! My partner grabs the rod and I start getting everything else in to clear the decks when I hear him curse. I look over and the reel has spooled line all over the place and of course --fish gone. He had tried to adjust the tension and got his thumb caught on the spinning handles (hence the term knucklebusters). A long silence ensued. I told myself the next fish is mine--and there's no way I'm losing it! 1/2 hour later--the rod screams again--Fish ON! I grab the rod as he takes a couple of good runs and then all of a sudden he does a 180 and heads directly at the boat! I'm reeling like a madman to catch up to him and keep the tension on the line. He ends up right under the boat and I suddenly see why he reversed direction and came back at me--there's a big seal chasing him around under our boat. I tried to horse him in but no luck--seal 1, me 0. If I would have had a gun I would have shot the SOB. We had a good laugh after I regained my sense of humour and enjoyed the rest of the morning--it was a beautiful day and we were fishing (but not catching).
Next time.


Some Snapper in the Florida Keys.


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i'm glad somebody boated some fish,Samuel!Nice!


Just got back from our annual trip to Nootka sound on Vancouver Island. We were blessed by the fish gods with 16 springs(chinook salmon) and 3 Halibut the largest being 40lbs. I will post pictures later. The fishing was the best I've seen in 9 years of going there ;D ;D. We were limited out everyday by 9am the last morning we were tagged out by 7:30am and the wife and I finished that with a double header :P

Catch it,Kill it,Smoke it.


Nice fish Sam.
You should get some nice meals off of them.
I go a few myself last Friday.

I got 7 with my speargun.



Dang no wonder you have a bad back Kirby. Holding up all them big Northerns!! ;D ;D
Bacon is the Crack Cocaine of the Food World.

Be careful about calling yourself and EXPERT! An ex is a has-been, and a spurt is a drip under pressure!



You hit the nail on the head. I did make my back sore lifting the fish in the boat and moving the cooler. I am in the process of arranging another shot in the back. My Spear fishing partner just called and I had to pass on the next trip. It sucks getting old.



Kirby you need to bring a few fillets and I am really sure we could do some horse trading for some Chiro adjustments. I happen to have this little brother who is a Chiro and happens to like fish. He specializes in the Atlas Vertebra. Never know could help some. That and I can still kick his butt Especially for some Northern fillets!! ;D ;D
Bacon is the Crack Cocaine of the Food World.

Be careful about calling yourself and EXPERT! An ex is a has-been, and a spurt is a drip under pressure!


If I get some back relief and have a better fall season I could ship you a few packages when the weather is colder and things like that ship a little better.  I had my back fused about 10 years ago and the nerve coming out of the fusion is what is giving me trouble. There is nothing having to do with the fusion that a ciro can do. It is solid as a rock. I still have the screws and rods in my back. I have had a MRI and High def CT scan and they can't find the pinch point. I am about to let them just go in for a look. All I know is it hurts like hell and I have to walk like a duck when it starts to pinch like it is doing today.



Kirby I hate that! Wish you Success in your decission.